Traveling to a new place is always incredibly fun, and if you’re an adventurous person, you’d probably be thrilled to go for a zip line ride to get from point A to point B quickly.
Just like some other outdoor activities such as cliff jumping, bungee jumping, mountain biking or climbing, or any other adventurous things you can think of, there’s just a certain kick and level of excitement you get when you’re going down a zip line.

Of course, safety measures are in place when you’re doing something like this, and you shouldn’t be too worried about your safety on a zip line, for example. What’s the worst that could happen, right?
However, something can always go wrong, even in the most unexpected of ways.

This particular zip line ride in Florida was rudely interrupted by a curious animal.
If you’ve ever been to the outside areas of the Sunshine State, chances are that you were already warned of some dangerous reptiles and alligators who like to disturb guests. If you’re anywhere near a lake, pond, or swamp somewhere in Florida, you definitely have to keep an eye out.
For the alligators, any human passing around is simply an unwanted and uninvited guest, and if they’re in a bad mood, they’ll definitely make you feel unwelcome.

However, for this woman and zip line instructor, alligators were the least of her worries. She was simply enjoying the ride and was doing a test run to make sure everything was going as smoothly as possible.
However, right in the middle of the zip line cable, an alligator decided to introduce himself.
The instructors who zip line over this pond definitely come across a lot of animals. This place in particular is known to have a lot of fish, birds, and reptiles around, sometimes even alligators too.
Usually, the zip lines aren’t anywhere near the pond which is why the alligators aren’t really an issue, but this instructor was definitely scared nonetheless.

The instructor took off and was simply enjoying the view. Even though dangerous animals may lurk in the area, there’s definitely no denying that the views can be quite spectacular.
She was approaching the end of the zip line and didn’t think much of it.
The team of instructors on the other side was waiting until she arrived, but then they spotted something moving around in the water and started to get nervous.

An alligator had been watching all this time and made a leap towards the woman!
Understandably, the instructor was completely shocked when this ferocious animal decided to leap towards the woman.
Luckily, as she screamed, she also had the instinct to lift up both of her legs and maneuver her body to the top of the zip line hook, so she’d be completely out of the alligator’s reach.

She was left unscathed, but it was definitely a close call.
She managed to escape the deadly alligator jaws just in time, and after a while, the animal seemed to realize that he missed his opportunity.
When the woman finally made it to the other side and to safety, her co-workers couldn’t be any more relieved. Some of them were shocked, but others were even excited about the thrilling experience.

One thing is for sure: this woman probably experienced the most thrilling zip line ride of a lifetime! She will definitely have a story to tell for years to come.
Be sure to check out the shocking footage in the video below.
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