Drinking alcohol is healthier than you think. Here’s how
Here's how drinking can actually be better for you!
Alexandria Harkins

Many studies have shown that excessive alcohol consumption may be dangerous. However recent research has proven that moderate alcohol consumption may reduce disease and help you live up to 18% longer. Read on to find out how.

Red Wine


One study found that those who drank wine over beer and liquor were 34 percent less likely to die early. Resveratrol is found in red wine and is thought to reduce bad cholesterol and to prevent blood clots. Red wine is full of antioxidants that may help to prevent a heart attack.

White Wine


White wine has antioxidants that may help prevent heart disease. In fact, it has more antioxidants than red wine. In a study conducted by University of Connecticut School of Medicine, it was found that some white wine may prevent heart aging. This effect would be due to the high amount of antioxidants and resveratrol.


Champagne holds qualities to prevent heart diseases as well, but it may also help you lose weight. In a recent study by the University of Reading, it was found that champagne may also help to prevent brain disorders, including dementia and Alzheimer’s. Phenolic acid found in champagne was discovered to aid in memory.

Dark Lager

Flickr/Ben Sutherland
Flickr/Ben Sutherland

Researchers in Italy discovered that drinking dark beer may reduce the risk of heart disease by 31 percent. Dark Lager has the most antioxidants of all beer. It may also help with bone and brain health.

Light Lager and Pale Ale

While both these beers may help with heart disease, individually they have “superpowers.” Light lager has been found to possibly help in the prevention of kidney stones. Pale ales may help with dementia and Alzheimer’s due to the hops. Hops are also a galactagogue, which helps increase milk supply in breastfeeding women.



While liquor may not be as glamourous as wine and beer, it still has some benefits. Liquor has been shown to possibly reduce your risk of a heart attack as it thins out your blood. Lowering the risk of developing diabetes is also a benefit connected with liquor consumption.

While alcoholic beverages may have some health benefits, excessive consumption could be dangerous. This article is not meant to encourage drinking as doctors still warn against the dangers of excessive drinking. This article is only meant to be informative.

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