Abused tiger never knew what love was, but soon she found a soulmate that changed everything
This is one of the best love stories I've ever seen. 🐯🐅😻
Ian Carey
A Bengal tiger named Aasha has suffered through horrible neglect and mistreatment throughout her life. Now, she has a fresh new start and a new husband to share her life with.

Aasha had a very difficult beginning to her life.

She was extremely small and had obvious health problems. When she was 9 months old she still only weighed 30 lbs, which is about what a cub should weigh at around 3 months. There were patches where her fur had fallen out and her skin was also cracked and often bled.

In-Sync Exotics/The Dodo
In-Sync Exotics/The Dodo

An inspector for the United States Department of Agriculture heard about Aasha’s situation.

They approached the founder of In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Centre in Texas, Vicky Keahey, in the hopes that Aasha would be able to be transferred there.

Vicky recalled to the Dodo, “I asked how could a 9-month-old tiger be that small?”

In-Sync Exotics/The Dodo
In-Sync Exotics/The Dodo
Health conditions and blatant neglect are what caused the Bengal cub to be so small, it would be revealed.

The inspector told Vicky that Aasha had previously belonged to a traveling circus.

While on tour with the circus, the cub shared an enclosure with a bigger tiger that would often attack and bully her. When the cub arrived at the center, they knew Aasha had health conditions but they didn’t know what exactly they were.
In-Sync Exotics/The Dodo
In-Sync Exotics/The Dodo
Upon further investigation, Vicky determined that Aasha was suffering from ringworm. This resulted in the Bengal cub having to be isolated as they underwent treatment.

“Aasha’s bald spots covered almost her entire body, and her skin was dry [with] cracked, darkened areas and bleeding,” Keahey told The Dodo.

“Every day, twice a day, I would go in and give Aasha medications and spend time with her. I knew I was going to have to handle her in order to get her well.

Aasha had to take medicated baths as part of her ringworm treatment. At first, she really did not like this. After a while, however, she got used to it and began splashing around in the water. Her health also began to improve!

In-Sync Exotics/The Dodo
In-Sync Exotics/The Dodo

After Aasha’s health had started to improve, the center wanted to see how she would act around other tigers.

They placed her near Smuggler, a bigger tiger who took quite the liking to Aasha! In fact, it appeared he began to fall head-over-tail for her.

In-Sync Exotics/The Dodo
In-Sync Exotics/The Dodo

The staff at the rescue center noticed the budding love story between the two tigers but were hesitant at first. They wanted to make sure that Smuggler wouldn’t hurt Aasha, so they organized some supervised “dates” in order for the two tigers to get to know each other.

It wouldn’t be long before the two were sharing the same pen permanently.

In-Sync Exotics/The Dodo
In-Sync Exotics/The Dodo

It has now been four years since these two tigers were put together and their relationship has never been stronger.

Aasha went from being a neglected tiger with a traveling circus to sharing her home with someone she loves and the great people at the wildlife center.

In-Sync Exotics/The Dodo
In-Sync Exotics/The Dodo

Aasha’s story is a beautiful example of why we should never stop fighting for a better life. If she would have given up, she would have missed out on loads of love and happiness.

In a world that’s constantly trying to tear you down, be like Aasha and keep pushing forward- you never know what love awaits you just around the corner.

To learn more about this beautiful big cat love story, watch the video below.

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