Minor burns are a common occurrence for most people and can be an annoying pain. Sunburns and first-degree burns can hinder everyday activities depending on where they are. Fortunately, there are ways to sooth and heal the burns with common household and kitchen items with the following home remedies.
Aloe Vera

A tried and true method, aloe vera can substantially reduce healing time for burns and provides cooling relief for the pain. The gel in anti-inflammatory and discourages the growth of bacteria and fungi, according to Everyday Health, but any product bought at a store must contain at least 90 percent aloe vera. It can be applied to the burn directly and can be used multiple times in a day to heal the affected area, and fresh aloe works best.
Cool water
Immediately applying cool water to a burn limits the damage done and also starts the healing process. Run cool water on the burn for 10-15 minutes to relieve pain and treat with a cold compress for continued relief. Never use ice on a burn, however, as according to All Remedies, ice can constrict the blood vessels, thus limiting blood flow and damaging the tissues.

Honey works as a natural antibiotic and can help prevent infection to the affected skin, according to Natural Society. Spread some honey on gauze and place on the affected area, changing the bandage 3-4 times a day. This process will also bring cool relief to the pain and help the skin heal; make sure the gauze is loose to prevent additional pain to the area.
Black tea bags
The tannic acid contained in black tea can absorb the heat from burns, providing cool relief to afflicted areas, according to Reader’s Digest. Using 2-3 tea bags, let them cool before placing them on the burn and hold in place with a piece of gauze to prevent movement.
Lavender oil

When combined with other remedies, lavender essential oil is a highly effective solution, as it contains some of the same healing benefits as aloe vera. The oil can also be used on its own when combined with water to create a mist and is anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and prevents bacteria, according to Everyday Health.
Tea made from calendula can ease the pain of burns as well as begin healing the damaged tissue, according to All Remedies. Make the tea using two tablespoons for eight fluid ounces of water and apply with a compress made from the cooled tea.
Raw Potato
Burns can also be treated with raw potatoes, as they not only alleviate immediate pain but can prevent blisters, according to Learning Herbs. Grate or slice a raw potato and place on the affected area to soothe the burn for 15 minutes, making sure to extricate the juices.
These remedies are meant to be used for first degree burns. For more serious burns or if any issues or health problems occur as a result of these remedies, please consult with your physician.
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