Health Benefits Of Black Pepper
I never knew this. Did you?
Erin Russell

What is now a staple alongside salt in kitchens all over the world once held a special purpose in Ancient Greece. The Greek people valued black pepper and would use it as currency and an offering to their gods. In southern Arabia, trade routes were established to exchange pepper and other spices. Today, black pepper is a commonly used, inexpensive spice. But don’t discredit it yet. Black pepper has many health benefits that you may not have discovered.

Fat Burner

According to Ph.D., R.D. Lisa Gaetke from the University of Kentucky, black pepper can help burn fat. The peppercorn breaks down fat cells which can contribute to weight loss.

Prevent Brain Aging

A study conducted in 2012, published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, revealed black pepper could help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. In the study, dogs received a supplement that contained black pepper and results displayed an improvement in their spatial attention.

Relieve a Cough

Black pepper tea is a traditional Chinese and New England folk medicine. Naturally relieve a cough and improve mucus flow when you are sick by sipping on a cup of black pepper tea with honey.

Helps to Quit Smoking


Black pepper, or specifically, black pepper essential oil, can help reduce the urge to smoke. A 2013 study showed participants’ cravings were reduced when they inhaled black pepper oil, as it mimicked the burning sensation in their throat derived from smoking cigarettes.

Relieve Sore Muscles

Black pepper essential oil can also come in handy when you have sore or tense muscles since it helps to improve circulation. Massage the oil into the affected area by itself or with coconut oil to create a salve.

Healthy Digestion

Skip the TUMS and Alka Seltzer. You can promote stomach acid secretion by adding pepper to your meal. The stomach acid will help you to break down food and relieve possible indigestion symptoms such as bloating and gas.

Help Heal Cuts

Stop small cuts and scrapes from bleeding with black pepper. Its antibacterial properties will also help blood to clot so a scab can form. Reader’s Digest says soldiers in WWII used black pepper on the battlefield as a quick home remedy. Of course, don’t only rely on black pepper to help heal you. If needed, seek medical attention for deep gashes and wounds.

Mood Booster

Flickr/Darya Pino
Flickr/Darya Pino

An organic compound called piperine is found in black pepper. This compound can help your body retain more serotonin, a calming neurotransmitter. According to the Women’s Brain Health Initiative, this makes black pepper a useful treatment for some mood disorders.

Black pepper is certainly beneficial to improving health in many different ways. If you don’t prefer the flavor of black pepper in your meals, consider taking a supplement. There are some available that contain both turmeric and black pepper.

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