Dreams are more than just mini-movies that run through our minds while we sleep. There is a lot of information hidden in them. They can tell us about our fear, our concerns, and even about what we want in life.
It all comes down to dream interpretation. It’s important to know what our subconscious is actually trying to say.
Here are interpretations for seven common dream scenarios:

Being chased
If you dream about being chased by a bear, a monster, or even a clown car, there’s more to the dream than just being pursued.
This type of dream usually indicates that you are trying to escape your own emotions, whether they are fears or desires. It’s about not being ready to face something head-on yet.
Usually, identifying the person (or thing) that is chasing you can help to highlight what it is that you are trying to avoid.
If you are being chased by an animal, you may be trying to avoid strong feelings and instincts, such as anger, passion, or even your own internal drive to succeed. If it’s a person, you may be trying to avoid relationships.
It’s important to look into your dreams for clues. The mind doesn’t always leave them where we think it might.

Dreams of flying
This is another common type of dream. We find ourselves floating and flying through the sky without the need for a plane.
Like being chased, it can also represent a need to escape. However, more often, these dreams represent feelings of independence and freedom.

Failing a test
Unless you have an actual test the next day, this dream probably isn’t about a test.
It often involves a feeling of not having studied, not being able to find anything to write with, or not being able to find the exam room.
When we have this type of dream, it generally means that there is an unacknowledged feeling of being tested by situations or people in our waking life. The feeling of anxiousness leads to dreaming about an actual test.

Teeth falling apart or coming out
This is a terrifying dream to have! Thankfully, it doesn’t usually mean that you desperately need to go to the dentist.
More often, it indicates that the subconscious is working through insecurities in life. This could be due to feeling like your work or relationship performance is not as good as it should be. It could also be about a lack of confidence regarding body image and physical features.

Being lost
This typically means that you don’t know what to do next about something in your waking life. The sense of anxiety or being overwhelmed, even if we ignore it (or especially if we do), finds its way into dreams in the form of being lost or trapped.

Missing the bus or being late
Do you have dreams about missing a bus, a train, a flight, or a car as it drives away? What about being late to a job interview or other important event, no matter how hard you try to get there on time?
These dreams are often the mind’s way of processing any regret we may feel for not having pursued something that we wanted in life. It’s about the missed opportunities that we had a chance to take.

If you feel yourself falling through the air or sinking deep into the water in a dream, it can be alarming. Often, people will respond to these scenarios by waking up with a jolt.
It’s no wonder that so many want to know what this scenario means.
Luckily, it’s not actually a premonition about death. If it is, it’s a very inaccurate one. Most people that have this dream end up living a long life.
However, unlike the other dreams, this one may be literal. It could indicate an actual fear of falling. If it doesn’t, it may be hinting that you are not happy where you are in life and that you feel a loss of control.
It might be time for a change. That, or learn how to dream up some soft pillows to fall on.

Would you like to learn more about dream scenarios?
Check out the link below.
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Photo by Tim Grundtner from Pexels