If you have a computer, smartphone, or tablet, then your posture just might suck. The good news is, you’re not alone!
Thanks to today’s technology, we’re all rocking that same bad posture boat. In fact, we’re now a nation that’s sporting buffalo humps, neck humps, and Dowager’s humps like it’s the new normal (because sadly, it is).
It’s time to undo that damage. Here are 3 easy exercises to fix those ugly neck bumps for good.

Fact: hunching over the computer all day, or staring down at smartphone/tablet screens (raise your hands if you do both!) is doing a wack job on our alignment. And that’s not good for a number of reasons.
Repetitive strain on our neck and shoulders can lead to:
- Neck pain/spasms
- Headaches
- Stiffness in your neck
- Pain between shoulder blades
- Tingling or numb thumbs

When you’re hunched over, it makes you look like you’re carrying two saggy water balloons and a paunchy gut.
See the difference when the shoulders are back, the posture straight, and the chin is lifted?
Not only does it make you look healthier, more vibrant, and give you instant confidence, but it can also help ease aches and pains in your neck and shoulders.

Jasper Hulscher, clinical director of the Milton Chiropractic Clinic in Cambridge, recommends the following 3 exercises to get rid of tech neck for good.
Exercise #1: YWTL
You might have flashbacks to the YMCA dance when you do this – the steps are the same, just the letters are different.
Begin by lifting your arms straight up and form a Y shape. Hold for 30 seconds.

Next, bring your arms down to the W position, by pulling your arms back and down, keeping your elbows pointed down.
Don’t forget to wave those jazz fingers to keep things fun.
Hold the W position for 30 seconds before moving on to the next letter.

Form a T by stretching your arms straight out to either side of you, palms facing forward. It’s almost like you’re giving someone a bear hug, but then you stop short. Hold for 30 seconds.
The point of the YWTL exercise is to stretch and straighten your entire thoracic spine, all the way from the top to the bottom.

L is the last letter in this alphabet soup routine. Bring your arms to your sides, tuck your elbows in, still keeping your palms facing out.
Repeat the entire YWTL routine 3 times for best results.

Exercise #2: Pull Arm/Tilt Head
Place your arms behind your back, grab your wrists, and pull your arms out and away from your back, making sure to squeeze your shoulder blades together. Tilt your head back and hold for 30 seconds.
This exercise feels really good because it’s the exact opposite of the position we normally find ourselves in all day (with our heads down, arms forward, shoulders scrunched).

Exercise #3: Arm Up, Turn & Tilt
Place your arms against the wall, making sure that it’s stretching high above you. Then, turn your head to the right before you tilt it backward. And yes, you’ll probably look like a fairy princess when you do it.
Hold for 15 seconds and repeat 3 times. Do the same for the opposite side and really get in a good stretch!

See how easy and effortless that was? Now you have every reason to sit up straight and wear strappy tank tops this summer!
See the full tutorial for these neck saving exercises in the video below!
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