Do you ever look back at the famous movie stars of the 1940s and think about how beautiful the women were?
How were they able to always look so glamorous without all the photoshop and plastic surgery that we have today?

Mary Stuyvesant, a Ponds beauty consultant, created a series of videos on “How to be Pretty”.
Mary addresses an auditorium full of young high-school-aged girls about what it means to be pretty and how to achieve it with just a few basic steps.
Before she begins the lesson, though, she makes a point of telling the girls that it is more important to be pretty on the inside.

“Makeup, hair, and clothes are just the trimmings,” Mary says, “like the icing on the cake. But if the cake itself isn’t good, you’ll soon lose interest in the icing.”
All of Mary’s tips for the girls are things that we still do to this day; it’s all about keeping yourself clean, getting lots of sleep, eating right, and getting exercise.
Her first tip is about reminding the girls how important it is to keep themselves properly fresh and clean.

Daily bathing with soap and water, washing your hair well, brushing your teeth twice a day, maintaining clean trimmed nails, and wearing clean clothes.
This may all seem like something everyone does already, and it should be, but it’s a good reminder of how important it is.
Keeping yourself looking clean and fresh can only benefit your mind in remaining clean and fresh as you go about your day.

Her second main tip is one that many people struggle with, especially these days with such easy access to technology.
It is crucially important to get the right amount of sleep, and laying in bed playing on a phone doesn’t count.
Mary suggests 8-9 hours per night, and there have been studies done that suggest that, at the very least, adults should get 7 hours.

One of the other important factors in keeping up a “pretty” appearance is the food you eat.
Everyone learns during their elementary school years about the ‘food pyramid’ and the importance of eating a balanced diet, but how many of us actually follow that?
Eating lean meats and fish, and getting lots of fruits and veggies every day is key to maintaining a healthy diet… that’s not to say you can never treat yourself, just do so in moderation.

And finally, remember to get enough exercise.
Exercise can be anything from walking to running to swimming; just try to fit in at least 30 minutes of exercise every single day.
Mary also recommends getting that exercise outside whenever possible; the fresh air can only be more beneficial than the activity already is.

And those are the tips on “how to look pretty” in the 1940s, all very similar to the things that are still suggested today.

Check out more tips and tricks in parts 2 and 3 of the video linked below.
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