How many of us haven’t swoon over the portrayal of Mr. Darcy while watching Pride & Prejudice? And at the end of the day do men like DARCY truly exist or you can find them only in novels? Have you ever considered how a true gentleman should be like? Probably, many boxes to check and many virtues to hold.
However, can every man step up to the occasion and be a true Gentleman? And, what would this really entail? Below you will find 12 things that only a true gentleman would do. In this way, once you spot him, you better keep him!

1. Opens Doors
A true gentleman would open and hold the door for others to go in. He should definitely open the door for women in general, allowing them to enter first.
2. On Time

A gentleman is never late, especially when he has a business meeting or a personal appointment with a lady. Time is money, so he wouldn’t waste other people’s time. In this way, he shows he’s considerate towards the people he’s meeting.
3. Offers his jacket
Once in the presence of a lady, a gentleman would try to anticipate her every need. So, if his female companion shows any signs of being chilly, and she doesn’t have her own cardigan or coat, he should offer his own jacket to her. In this way, she can understand that he’s interested in her well-being.
4. He is Courteous

Some people might take for granted that others should say, “please” and “thank you”, on different occasions. But unfortunately, we often forget to be courteous once in the company of others. A true gentleman should always have manners and use polite language. His behavior testifies to his good upbringing.
5. Offers His Arm
A true gentleman can gain many valuable points with his romantic interest if he offers his arm while escorting her to their destination. Women love this kind of show of affection, like walking arm-in-arm or holding hands. It’s definitely very romantic!
6. Picks up the Check

Usually, when you are on a date with a true gentleman, you will have no time to reach for the check as he would have probably taken care of it. Even if you volunteer to pay half or even the complete amount, he will definitely refuse. And, let’s not forget that a real man would never expect something in return just because he bought you drinks or dinner!
7. Is Attentive
He will be listening to you closely and he might even inquire further about things because he will be authentically interested in you. He would probably not check his phone or the time in order not to make you uncomfortable or insecure about how your rendez-vous is going. He will also probably compliment you a lot, so be prepared for a huge self-confidence boost!
8. Keeps his Word

A real gentleman would never go back on his word, he would definitely do whatever he had said he would or promised.
9. Does Not Kiss and Tell
Although a gentleman wouldn’t keep any secrets as by nature he is supposed to be honest, however, he would never reveal to his friends or outsiders, any personal and intimate details about his time with his significant other or female companions.
10. Does Not Hit Women

A gentleman would have never dreamt of physically or verbally abusing a woman. As the matter of fact, he would defend their honor and them from all threats. It’s not random that this saying exists, “Girls shouldn’t be hit, not even with a flower”!
11. Is Honest
Honesty is one of the most important qualities to a person, so it’s really imperative that a gentleman should be honest, even if the truth sometimes might hurt!
12. Protects the Defenseless
A true gentleman feels obliged by nature to come to the defense of anyone that might need him. He will never hesitate and he will never put his safety first.

Hopefully, reading this article will give you an idea of how a real gentleman should be. Men should try and follow some of these tips and women if you ever do find one, don’t let him leave!
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