After an injury, trauma or surgery, it’s natural for your body to develop scar tissue. Sometimes, the body even produces scar tissue on a microscopic level without you knowing, which occurs when performing repetitive actions for a long period of time. Scar tissue is completely natural and normal and is just a part of the body’s healing process.

However, scar tissue doesn’t blend well with the rest of your skin and can be unappealing to look at. Luckily, there are a few quick tips using household items that will help alleviate the appearance of scars and give them a faster chance of healing.

Let’s take a look.
1) Aloe Vera gel

It’s no secret that the aloe vera plant has tons of health benefits, and it’s heavily being used as in ingredient in traditional medicine and healthcare products. Aloe vera is particularly useful for scar tissue on the face and scars after a surgery as it moisturizes the skin and it also acts as an anti-irritant. With some aloe vera gel in hand, just massage the tissue on your face in circles. Let it rest for about half an hour and clean with water – twice a day.
2) Lavender oil

Lavender oil is another great natural remedy and it’s filled with healing properties. Lavander oil is a great product for all types of scars, from minor ones to severe post-surgical scar tissue. Applying it is simple: just massage onto the tissue and repeat regularly. Sandalwood oil and essential oils in general also work just fine.
3) Vitamin C

Whether it’s in the form of natural food, supplements or external creams, vitamin C is a great help when it comes to dealing with scars. Vitamin C is essential for wound healing and skin elasticity, both of which greatly help with reducing the appearance of scarred tissue.
4) Onion extract

This entry may sound a bit surprising, but it turns out that onions are just filled with anti-inflammatory properties as well as antioxidants. When applied to the skin, the tissue softens which is perfect to hide scars. We don’t recommend using an onion itself, but you can find lotions or gels in stores with onion extract. The extract also does wonders for burn wounds.
5) Massaging the area multiple times per day

This hack is probably the simplest one, but can be extremely effective nonetheless. Simply massaging the piece of scarred tissue for just a few seconds per day will help each the dense collagen formed, resulting in a cleaner and smoother skin. Massage for half a minute, multiple times per day. Use circular, vertical and side to side movements for the best results.
6) Petroleum Jelly

Did you know that petroleum jelly or Vaseline can improve the healing process for minor injuries and scar tissue? You do have to apply it fairly often and preferably for a couple of weeks, but it’s great for keeping your skin moisturized which allows the scar tissue to blend in more naturally. Vaseline is also great to help with the appearance of stretch marks.
7) Silicone bandages and gel

Dealing with keloid and hypertrophic scars (scars that are raised) can certainly be a bit of a pain, but it’s often the most simple things that are the most effective. Silicone bandages, pads, and silicone gel are great for keeping body tissue hydrated and also prevent infections with its antibacterial properties. Because of the silicone, the raised tissue will appear to be more flattened.
Do keep in mind that you can only start using these silicone products for at least two weeks after the wound has healed, and you’ll likely have to use the pads for multiple weeks. The gel alternative is more user-friendly but needs to be applied twice a day.
8) Sunscreen

Sunscreen is incredibly important for the healing process of scarred tissue because exposing it to direct sunlight is an absolute no-go. Ultraviolet rays decrease the effectiveness of the body’s own healing process and can also cause spots and discoloration which can further emphasize the scars.
9) Olive or coconut oil

Both of these household oils are great for repairing damaged skin as they enhance collagen production when applied to a patch of skin. Olive oil is a little bit more hydrant than coconut oil and provides the tissue with plenty of vitamins to keep your skin healthy. Massage for a couple of minutes per day. If you’re dealing with acne, these oils will definitely prove their worth.
10) A mix of apple cider vinegar and honey

Apple cider vinegar is absolutely packed with antioxidants as well as antimicrobial substances, which makes it a fantastic natural skin product. You can’t expect wonders, but an apple cider vinegar mix will definitely help with rough pieces of skin tissue and acne scars. Applying apple cider vinegar could lead to a bit of inflammation, so it’s best to add some raw honey to the mix. Let the mix rest for ten minutes on the scar tissue and rinse thoroughly.
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