These ridiculous roast events are a way of honoring someone and all of their accomplishments by teasing them and mocking them. The humorous comments often verge on humiliation for those on the receiving end. According to the Redditors who participate in the hobby though, it’s all in good fun.
Here are 75 brave people who posted their selfies on r/RoastMe and got hilariously mocked by a bunch of anonymous Internet users.
1. Accepted To Harvard
@tanner_kennedy says:
“A haircut by someone other than your mom may help with that virginity issue.”
“Your doorknob is going to wear fewer socks than Oscar Pistorius.”
3.2 million karma and accepted to Harvard but never kissed a girl- Roast me
byu/etymologynerd inRoastMe
2. In A Wheelchair
“Looks like your belly is having a party that your legs weren’t invited to.”
“What’s black and sits at the top of the stairs? You after a house fire.”
3. Big Hole
@moderlover77 says:
“By work do you mean stealing change from the park fountain”
“I find it funnier that you lied saying you have a job.”
4. Power Of Bass
@jaques_lapatate says:
“This thread will have more content than the video you’ll make about it.”
“I always see your vids on my feed, but i never click on them.”
5. No Insecurities
@GunnNNife says:
“I’ll have a large chocolate Frosty, please.”
“You look like a stop sign.”
6. Just Got Ghosted
@pb_2578 says:
“He ghosted you cause you stole Christmas.”
“You look like The Grinch cosplaying a teen girl.”
18 y/o just got ghosted by the first guy I have had genuine feelings for. Let’s see if you can wreck me like he did.
byu/ParkesAndRecreation inRoastMe
7. No Savings
@Putt_Bunyon says:
“You seem awful cocky for a chauffeur.”
“You are the same as your most valuable asset… Depreciating quickly.”
46 yr old, works at a bank, no savings, don’t own a home, no retirement, but I drive a Bentley and smoke bong hits on the toilet..Give me your best shot!
byu/Herbit420 inRoastMe
8. I Coach Marines
@tohones82 says:
“Your dad is going to be PISSED when he sees you wearing his uniform.”
“A Marine holding a sign that doesn’t say “Anything helps” and “God Bless.” But, seriously, work on your handwriting. No one is going to be able to read that from their car.”
9. No Pens
@FeistyLighterFluid says:
“You look exactly how I imagined a person writing with his own ***t would look.”
“Looks like Humpty Dumpty survived the fall.”
10. Home From College
@PCM97 says:
“Probably added those freckles with a brown Crayola marker.”
“TIL syphilis is only contagious for 14 days.”
21F. home from college & my mom is keeping me quarantined in the basement for 14 days until I can interact with her. please roast me :-)
by inRoastMe
11. First Post Ever
@Picks_Locks_Gets_Money says:
“You look like your pacifier was made of asbestos.”
“You look like you get dirty looks getting house cleaning supplies.”
12. Roast Me Blacker
@iamdkallday says:
“I can tell you’ve let alot of N-bombs slide for the sake of having friends.”
“The black gay friend that popular girls put on display to show they’re inclusive.”
13. Fighting A Rare Cancer
@Mystenon says:
“Gimme the location of the pot o’ gold before you aren’t able to anymore. You can do it buddy, we all believe in you.”
“Dibs on his cat.”
14. You Could Do Better
@111anon111 says:
“The decor matches your personality.”
“When you finally get married some guy is gonna say, ‘I guess…'”
I’ve seen a few of your roasts and I really think a few of you could do better, give me your worst x
byu/e-c-c inRoastMe
15. What A Stud
@FecalMatterOfFact says:
“When the back hair and neck beard merge he’s really going to have to watch out for Sasquatch hunters.”
“It’s like Daniel Radcliffe and Robert Pattinson had a baby with all of their worst traits.”
16. Video Game Streamer
@Robin_The_Bird says:
“Somehow manages to sound like she’s been throat punched 24/7.”
“You brag to guys that you made the cheerleading team sophomore year.”
I play video games for a living and don’t leave the house for multiple days in a row. Roast me :)
byu/Katerinotv inRoastMe
17. Do Your Worst
@p_velocity says:
“Is it ok to roast someone when he hasn’t discovered fire yet?”
“Looks like you recently got set free from a block of ice.”
18. Eighties New Wave
@prezzz says:
“I honestly don’t know what age, ethnicity or gender you are. You’re the person that would make any police sketch artist want to retire.”
“My compliments to the Dog Filter on your phone…”
I only listen to 80s new wave and failed a semester of algebra. Roast me into oblivion.
byu/Pixigon inRoastMe
19. Out Of Jail
@christawfer47 says:
“If ‘can I bum a cigg’ was a person.”
“All I can see is you saying ‘bud’ after every sentence.”
20. All Smiles
@Agnostix says:
“What do you floss your teeth with, a mattress?”
“Not just a Gap between your teeth but the whole damn mall.”
21. Iconic Duo
@ravenousld3341 says:
“Dude in the back looks like he can get skin cancer from the moon.”
“The indoors have not been so kind to Julian Assange.”
22. Ken Bone
@Elysiaxx says:
“Do you really need three clocks to let you know your fifteen minutes are up?”
“You’re “Paris Hilton popular”, but only because your tits are bigger than hers.”
23. Stylish Hair
@ObviousBob says:
“Next time drink the bleach.”
“12 Angry Virgins.”
24. Nose Job
@flogis14 says:
“Since the nose is done can you do something about the rest of the face?”
“You ever been so ugly that the oxygen around you doesn’t want to be inhaled.”
Just got a nose job so I can breathe through it for the first time in my life, and I’m bored in my room at midnight. Keep me entertained and do your worst reddit!
byu/Pewter_Penguin inRoastMe
25. Before & After
@dampkringd says:
“No need to roast you, by the look of how fast you’re deteriorating you’ll be getting roasted in the crematorium soon enough.”
“Damn, dude. Did life itself divorce you?”
26. Real Slim Shady
@Scurvywaif4 says:
“Knees broke, arms are heavy, there’s vomit on his sweater already, his legs are spaghetti.”
“Is your barber disabled too?”
27. Heard Them All
@playerhateroftheyear says:
“Looks like you were poured into your bra and forgot to say when.”
“-Never asked to prom. *wears a prom dress for every outing to Walmart.”
Toast me bitches. Please avoid fat jokes unless they are original, I’ve heard them all.
byu/SDmedia9 inRoastMe
28. So Lonely
@LitPeasant says:
“If I were you, I would unfriend myself.”
“50% of these replies are her posting them from other profiles.”
[deleted by user]
by inRoastMe
29. Joined Reddit
@veryheavycoat says:
“You don’t need an orange vest. No one is going to hit that.”
“Have you had the “someday this will all be yours” chat with your son on top of the dump pile yet?”
30. Economy Class
@stoutgnome says:
“You’re that kid who shows up to Economics in a suit and tie, and no one can figure out if they’re a missionary or just trying too hard.”
“Lemme guess. You have a crush on her but she has a crush on your dad.”
[deleted by user]
by inRoastMe
31. Seeking Motivation
@XSilent_DevilX says:
“You look like if Al Yankovic actually listened to his own lyrics in Eat It.”
“The only Deadpool I can see is your gene pool.”
32. Entertaining Guests
@lurkandload says:
“I’m sorry about all of this… Not your situation, but this picture I’m looking at.”
“Looks like that bottom tooth is trying to leave you for your boyfriend too.”
I moved to Malta to be with my boyfriend. We bought a house together. We broke up. We still live together and he’s currently downstairs ‘entertaining’ female guests.
byu/BooBooMadonna inRoastMe
33. Fairly Successful
@beerbellyd says:
“Never seen a piece of paper held like fried chicken before.”
“You look as sharp as your jaw line.”
Fairly successful (21 M), just finished building my own home and am a fully qualified Baker at age 19. Kids on the block call me FIGJAM, bet you can’t take down this powerhouse of win.
byu/Regi3Au inRoastMe
34. Delivery Man
@ojsimpsondidntdoit says:
“My first thought was…damn Whoopi Goldberg shaved her dreads.”
“I don’t know dude, you look like the male equivalent of the friendly black lunch lady that calls me sugar.”
I’m a 60-year-old Uber Eats delivery man in NYC. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I know. Have at em hoss!
byu/perrylduff inRoastMe
35. Good Luck
@sugarfreelemonade says:
“If MLK had a nightmare.”
“I was scrolling and when I first saw your hair I couldn’t tell if it was a ginger root or a tarantula.”
36. Double Jaw Surgery
@theknackerbags says:
“Kim jong very ill.”
“Sir I understand it’s in your mouth but you may not leave with food from the buffet.”
37. Still A Virgin
@chudnstuff says:
“This dude’s breakfast consists of a spruce tree and a side of acorns.”
“Bro if your eyes were any closer together you’d be a cyclops.”
38. Desert Storm Vet
“More like dessert storm.”
“Suffering from PTSD: Put The Sugar Down.”
Desert storm veteran tougher skin then all of you millennial snowflakes do your worst…
byu/Cowboybenbob217 inRoastMe
39. Eye Doctor
@harpsm says:
“How horrible for your patients that the first thing they see after getting clear vision is your face.”
“But doc, why are you using a rag and a bottle of chloroform to dilate my eyes?”
40. Single Parent
@mentorsworld says:
“Your face says, ‘I’m going to tell mom’.”
“You look like you just accidentally swallowed your lips.”
41. Testicular Cancer
@limark says:
“Must suck that cancer is the only thing that saw your junk and came back for seconds.”
“No nut November is going to have double meaning for you this year.”
Got testicular cancer twice in less than a year. Just had my second orchiectomy, no longer have balls. Cheer me up by putting me down.
byu/kasperokaspero inRoastMe
42. Too Easy
@everygobblecock says:
“Did you just photoshop “r/roastme” over a picture of a hobo holding up a “will work for food” sign?”
43. Exes But BFFs
@Lightoftheworld_ says:
“Except for the background, this looks exactly like every picture taken at an Adult Video Convention.”
“If this dude hasn’t installed 3 hidden cameras in her house by now I will eat my own dick.”
44. Professional Stoner
@compilationkid says:
“Yeah… cant really roast someone when they’re already lit.”
“What’s it like to play hacky Sack with your balls?”
I’m an 80 year old professional stoner who forgets his Reddit Passwords. Roast me!
byu/sohighforgotpassword inRoastMe
45. Cake Decorator
@WhiskeyNovemberSix says:
“Does your employer know you follow the rule of ‘One for them, one for me’?”
“You look like the sort of person who would try to eat a pie chart.”
27, full-time cake decorator, obligatory long time lurker first time poster. So please do your worst Reddit! 🤣
byu/Aquamarine-3MJ-1W2N inRoastMe
46. Wannabe Horror Artist
@picklocksget_money says:
“Your wall looks like a memorial for removed tattoos.”
“Good luck with art school! It should prepare you for your future career of selling cake sitting videos online.”
Wannabe horror artist, just turned 18 today. Do y’all have any original jokes other than eating dogs/coronavirus/small eyes?
byu/k0ella inRoastMe
47. Sporting A Unibrow
@gdubh says:
“She used to have two eyebrows but she shaved the top one off.”
“Where have you been living since Notre-Dame burned down?”
Autistic female community college student who is proud to sport a unibrow! I’m not scared of your roasts!
byu/PrincessLRBHSF inRoastMe
48. Long Hair Don’t Care
@1stgradenightmares says:
“Slumdog Millionhairs.”
“How much longer are you planning on not getting laid?”
49. Drawing Anime Fan Art
@playsomezelda says:
“I’ve never seen someone use a dog collar to cover up an Adam’s apple before.”
“You have a bright future in Bukake videos.
50. Rock Climber
@harpsm says:
“I thought goats were supposed to be good at climbing rocks.”
“That’s quite the sacrifice just to make anyone look at you twice.”
A rock climbing accident left me with a concussion, black eye, broken nose, and sprained wrist. How much damage can you do?
byu/Sarahcro inRoastMe
51. Young Programmer
@SGTwhocares says:
“Your parents don’t count as friends.”
“There’s this thing called puberty that you should try. It does wonders for teenagers.”
52. Grandma Is 92
@flyboy1075 says:
“I bet she has an autographed bible.”
“When she asked to be cremated this isn’t what she meant.”
My grandma is 92 and wants to be the oldest person to be roasted. Roast me day 239/366
byu/icrispyKing inRoastMe
53. Broke My Back
@DeluxeSleeper says:
“On a scale of 1-10 how devastated is your gf that you survived?”
“At least your girlfriend was kind enough to hold the “roast me” sign for you.”
17, broke my back jumping off an 85 foot cliff into water. My girlfriend is making me get roasted for being a dumbass
byu/Thefucklest inRoastMe
54. I’m A Teacher
@AbeFalcon says:
“You have a face for online courses.”
“If you take those glasses off you know that nose is coming off with them…”
25F. Im a teacher, please be more original than the things my students say behind my back!
by inRoastMe
55. Air Guitar World Champion
@YunngMa says:
“I bet you have air friends too.”
“It must be easy when you’re used to fingering things that don’t exist.”
56. Haircut Pose
@DirtyMikeAndTheBoahs says:
“Would you say an above average number of Amber Alerts go off in your town?”
“Looks like he got caught jerking off in an airplane restroom. Blacklisted. Then cut his hair off, changed identity, then got caught again.”
57. Bought Some Goats
@jerzyshore1 says:
“In related news, 27 half human half goat babies have been found in your surrounding community.”
“Do girls like baaad boys?”
Bought 3 goats in High school for FFA project, now 22 years old still living at home taking care of them
byu/Sphamuel inRoastMe
58. 4Chan Dweller
@madsadgladchad says:
“Dollar store Velma Dinkley.”
“You wouldn’t even be successful if you were the only audition for Meg in a family guy parody porn.”
I’m a lonely 4chan dweller, in college for computer engineering. I’m unsuccessfully attempting to fit in with the bitchy girls I’m surrounded with. Roast me.
by inRoastMe
59. Big Ears
@Lenticalino says:
“This dude don’t need an alarm he can hear the sun come up in the morning.”
“Homeboy would be an unfair advantage on a sailing team.”
34 with big ears. Let me hear the same old jokes I have heard my whole life.
byu/Golden_Thumbs inRoastMe
60. Bored Lifeguard
@thebarracudabrother says:
“If you tried to give me CPR I would probably throw myself back under water.”
“Sitting in the corner of the backyard, creeping at your little sister’s underage friends during her birthday party, doesn’t make you a lifeguard.”
Lifeguarding at an empty pool for 7 hours, give me something to laugh at
byu/SorranTheGrey inRoastMe
61. Tech Support Agent
@heyradar says:
“Which sword do you use to cut your sh*ts up so they’ll flush?”
“The Last Hamurai.”
Make me cry. 25 year old tech support agent. I’ve heard every fat joke in the book bring it bitches
byu/RussianBearMan18 inRoastMe
62. Thinks He’s Jesus
@cajungator3 says:
“It’s like if John Lennon ate Yoko on a sailboat.”
“Unlike Jesus, nobody’s nailing you…”
63. Selling His House
@topsideup25 says:
“It’s called being homeless, Mark. Now get the ***k out of my basement.”
“If Midlife Crisis had an awareness poster.”
My friend is selling his house, quitting his job, getting rid of everything he owns and is going to try to live a budgetted life while couch surfing. Please, please light him up.
byu/Poppyspacekitten inRoastMe
64. Turkish Family
@BorisChechev says:
“I can tell you right now that you’re gonna need to settle.”
“You’re obviously not worth the 2 chickens & the 1 goat.”
Roast me harder than my Turkish family already does on the daily for being unwed at the ancient age of almost 30
byu/Eliyaahh inRoastMe
65. Roast Me
@MCShoveled says:
“Damn dude, grow a pair… of anything.”
“Glad you quit while you were a head.”
[deleted by user]
by inRoastMe
66. Prove Her Wrong
@binker98 says:
“If you cover the top half of her head she looks 16. If you cover the bottom half she looks 60. If you cover the entire thing she looks better.”
“She looks like what morning breath smells like.”
[deleted by user]
by inRoastMe
67. Swiss Army Soldier
@extremepanda1018 says:
“Your sex life is probably as neutral as your country.”
“Swiss Army? So you’re really just a paper weight with emotions…”
I’m a Swiss army soldier. I’m waiting for my military service to end so I can finally go to university. Roast me.
byu/Calugorron inRoastMe
68. Made This Today
@Zaggie says:
“Whatever keeps you out of the playground.”
“I bet your parents were so annoyed when you proudly trotted back upstairs with what they thought might keep you out of their living area for the day.”
Made this all on me own today, took me 4 hours! Roast me back to ground level please.
byu/silentheory inRoastMe
69. Ain’t Afraid
@Apollomod123 says:
“This guy thinks getting roasted will bring back his youth.”
“Is this another one of those videos where a guy is living in a storage unit?”
70. So Low Class
@NorthBandit88 says:
“You look like a homeless Jimmy Kimmel…”
“Still trying to figure out how you wear out the belly of your shirt. Fingering your belly button, maybe?”
I’m 31, disabled, and so low class that I grill ramen. Roast me like one of your French girls!
byu/Nonchalant_Shallot inRoastMe
71. Aspiring Sound Engineer
@InvisibleUndead says:
“I’ve seen livelier expressions from a morgue.”
“How is the sketch of you more appealing than the real you?”
19 yo, french, aspiring sound engineer who overthinks every bits of criticism. Have fun !
byu/sharkazoo inRoastMe
72. Break The Friendship
@flippinbud says:
“Hope you realize that he’s jerked off thinking about every single one of you.”
“The girl with glasses went overboard with getting ugly friends to make herself look hotter.”
73. Classic Literature Student
@zomgitsdude says:
“‘Make sure they know I’m studying classic literature and that I’m vegetarian’ -her, probably”
“It’s like someone tried to draw Jessica Chastain with their left hand.”
My (21) girlfriend wanted to be roasted. She’s recently started studying classic literature, also she’s a vegetarian. Bring it
by inRoastMe
74. Cashier Gets Creeped On
@Gorilla69125 says:
“You thinking about getting those fixed? Or gnaw?”
“I’ve seen sharks with fewer rows of teeth…”
[deleted by user]
by inRoastMe
75. Unroastable?
@champbellamy says:
“She clearly has Furniture Syndrome. Her chest has sunk into her drawers.”
“She’s probably once believed she was going to save herself for marriage but lost it for a bag of weed.”
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