The world is full of interesting facts. And that includes our bodies, too. Would you like to learn more about our bodies and the world around us work?
Then you will find this slideshow very intriguing. Go ahead and start!
1. Lightning survivor
Some lightning strike survivors develop these fern-like patterns on their body called Lichtenberg figures. They do fade away eventually but can take days or months before it’s completely gone.

2. Unique tongue print
Just like fingerprints, we all have unique tongue prints. The police won’t be using it anytime soon but it’s still to cool to know. And, since the tongue is well protected by the mouth, it’s very difficult to forge.

Pexels/Oleg Magni
3. Strong teeth
We’re always so afraid of shark bites because they’re so big and sharp. But did you know that our human teeth are just as strong as shark teeth? But sharks still have an edge over human teeth so be careful!

Flickr/Martin Fisch
4. Tooth/head ache
Did you know that a toothache is followed by a headache, if left untreated? There’s a nerve that goes from the jaw to the head so if there’s a toothache. So if you’re tooth is aching, then the head will follow. So prepare to treat two aches.
5. Hair as strong as steel
Did you know that a single strand of hair can hold up an object that weighs as much as 85 grams? Human hair is made of a powerful protein called keratin, which gives it unbelievable tensile strength. But it only works if your hair is healthy.

Pexels/Daria Shevtsova
6. Light it up!
Did you know that the brain can generate enough electricity to power a light bulb? There are neurons all over our body that transmits electrical signals all throughout the body. And the brain can generate about 10-25 watts of power and that’s enough to turn a light bulb on. Awesome!

Pexels/Luca Nardone
7. Busy brain
Did you know that our brains continue to work even while we’re sleeping? Yes, while we sleep, our brains are working hard to clear out the toxin byproducts from our brains so it’ll work well when we wake up. This is why it’s important to get enough sleep so we can give our brains enough time to work.
8. What’s in your mouth?
Did you know that we have almost the same number of bacteria in our mouth as the number of people living on Earth? Yes, we have around 6 billion bacteria in our mouth. Some are good for our health and some are not so good. That’s why it’s important to brush our teeth regularly.

9. Burning a hole
Did you know that our stomach acid is so concentrated it can burn a hole through the wood? And yes, if we’re not careful or if we have a medical condition, the acid in our stomach can also burn a hole through it. So if you have a health condition that makes you susceptible to this, go to a doctor for treatment.
10. It can fill the Earth
Did you know that our blood vessels are thousands of miles long? If you took apart our blood vessels and lined them up, they would be anywhere from 60,000 to 100,000 miles long? A child’s body blood vessels can stretch over 60,000 miles and an adult body can stretch over 100,000 miles. If you can’t imagine how long that is, think of it like this. 60,000 miles is like going from the US to Samoa and back 5 times. And 100,000 miles is going from Sri Lanka to the US and back around 5 times. Whoa.
11. Soft and brittle nails mean something
Most people don’t care if their nails are soft or hard, as long as they have nails. But we do need to care because soft, brittle nails may mean that you have an overactive thyroid. So be sure to have your doctor check it out!
12. Fast-growing
Did you know that facial hair grows faster than the other hair in the body? It grows 0.3 to 0.5 millimeters every day. And if men don’t shave their beard at all until the end of their lives, their beard can grow as long as 30ft! Whoa!
13. Hair so strong!
Did you know that human hair can carry around 12 tons of weight? It’s a strong as steel! And you can stretch it one and a half times before it can break. Wow. You can actually create body armor out of human hair.
14. Heart beats faster
Did you know that a female’s heart beats 10 beats faster than a male’s heart? That’s because a female heart weighs 120g while a male heart weighs 180g. Because it weighs less, it beats a little bit faster because of its size.

15. More than 4 blood types
We all know about the four common blood types. But did you know that there are actually 29 blood types? A couple of scientists discovered this a few years ago. And they’re conducting more tests to check how it will affect blood compatibility and transfusion.
16. A face without muscles
Did you know that our 43 facial muscles can help us make more than 10,000 facial expressions? Although, we only tend to use mostly the seven basic emotions, anger, fear, disgust, happiness, sadness, surprise, and contempt.

17. So much work
Did you know that our liver is such a busy bee? It can carry out 500 essential functions. Wow. Besides producing bile, it also breaks down fats, protein, and carbohydrates, supports blood clots, filters blood, and stores vitamins and minerals, among others.
18. In one day
Did you know that our bodies carry about 5.6 liters of blood? And this blood runs through our entire body three times every minute. So in 24 hours, our blood would have traveled an equivalent of 19,000 km or 12,000 miles. That’s like going through the US, coast to coast, four times!

19. A baby has more bones
Did you know that a baby has more bones than an adult? A baby has 300 bones and an adult has 206 bones. But growing up, the baby’s bone fuse together and join as one. A baby doesn’t lose bones but they fuse together and join as one.
20. Thirsty?
Did you know that our feet can produce up to a liter of water a day? Our feet have 500,000 sweat glands and they can produce up to a pint of sweat per day. But no matter how thirsty you are, don’t lick it. That sweat contains our waste materials, too.
21. Brain fact
Did you know that when you lined up the nerves in our body, that line is equivalent to about 60km? That’s like traveling from Los Angeles County and Orange Country in Southern California. We have a lot of nerves! Is that why we have all these physical manifestations when we’re feeling extreme emotions?
22. Better than a DSLR
Did you know that our human eyes have a resolution of 576 megapixels? Our smartphones and professional cameras have nothing on our eyes!
23. Speedy cough
No, we’re not talking about a speedy recovery. We’re talking about how fast it spreads. Did you know that cough droplets can travel at speeds up to 50 miles per hour? So cover that mouth when you’re coughing.
24. Breathe in, breathe out
Did you know that a human takes about 20,000 breaths on average per day? And breathing is important. We need to breathe every second of every day. And practicing habits that hamper our breathing can and will lead to our destruction.
25. 16% of our total weight
Did you know our human skin weighs around 20lbs (8kg)? That’s 16% of our total weight! And if you remove the skin of a human being, it would be around 22 kilometers. Amazing!
26. Weird pregnancy
Did you know that a woman’s third trimester of pregnancy brings about weird dreams? It’s related to pregnancy hormones and the stress from the upcoming delivery date.
27. What’s in my eyelash?
Did you know that we have mites on our eyelashes called demodex? They’re only about 0.3mm long so we don’t see it. But they’re actually a good thing! They eat the dead skin cells in our eyelashes and in effect clean them. Their presence only becomes a problem when there’s too many. So make sure to strengthen your immune system to control the number of demodex on your eyelashes.

28. A constant regeneration
Wow, it turns out our skeletal cells are constantly regenerating. And the entire process takes up to 10 years. However, the regeneration slows down as we get older that’s why our bones get thinner. That’s why it’s important to take care of our bones.
29. It all started with one cell
We all started from one cell and half of it comes from the mother’s DNA and half from the father’s DNA. The cell divides to create a unique person with 37 trillion rotation cells and 200 types of cells.

30. Different colors
A human eye can see up to 10 million different colors. But, unless they’re distinguishable, our minds cannot remember all the colors we see. We only remember the substantial ones.
31. Close your eyes
It turns out, when you time all of it, our eyes are closed for 10% of our waking hours. Yes, that’s the time when we blink our eyes.
32. Food coma
Food coma is real, folks! But it’s not what you think. According to the NY Times, it is natural for humans to feel sleepy seven hours after they’ve woken up. And that usually coincides after having eaten lunch. And because food can make people sleepy, people automatically assume we’re sleepy because of the food and not associate it with the way our bodies function.
33. Beat, beat, beating
Did you know that the heart beats 100,000 times a day? That’s 35 million times a year. And in an average lifetime, a human heart will beat more than 2.5 billion times.
34. Blood filter
One of the functions of our kidneys is to filter our blood. Our kidneys filter about 180 liters of blood in our bodies in a day. That means, with the 7 to 8 liters in our body, our kidneys filter our blood around 20 to 25 times a day!
35. Losing taste
Apparently, as we get older, we begin to lose our senses, including our sense of smell and taste. That’s probably why people over the age of 60 add strong tastes to their food so they can taste their food.
36. We can’t live without food
How much food do we eat in a lifetime? We eat about 35 tons of food. 35 tons.
37. From stardust
Did you know that some of the atoms in our body share similar properties with the atoms in the galaxy? The building blocks of life on Earth, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur, are also present in the composition of stars. We really are part of the galaxy.
38. Smile more
Did you know it takes fewer muscles to smile than cry or frown? Frowning or crying uses 43 muscles while smiling uses 17 muscles. So smile more!
39. How important is the heart
The heart pumps out 6,800 liters (1,800 gallons) of blood each day. That’s 380 million liters (100 million gallons) of blood in an average lifetime. That’s enough to fill about 9 million barrels.
40. The speed of a sneeze
Did you know a sneeze can travel about 100 miles (160km) an hour? And people most of the time need to sneeze several times to eject that foreign object. Holding in your sneeze isn’t ideal as well because it can injure your ears or even cause a stroke. So let that sneeze out! Just make sure you cover your nose when you do it.
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Sources: Brightside, Brightside, Brightside