When we reach the age of 50, makeup rules change. What worked for younger women no longer applies to mature women. It’s especially a different ballgame when it comes to the eyes because the eyelids become hooded and start to droop when women get older.
The good news is there are so many techniques mature women can use to create the looks they want. To start:
Use a white pencil for the waterline of eye

One technique you can use is to use a white liner pencil on your waterline. This small trick can open your eyes instantly. Just a small line is all you need.
Add shadow just above the crease
How about eye shadow? Sometimes it’s hard to apply eye shadow when you have droopy or hooded eyelids. How can you apply shadow to your eyelids? Use a crease brush and apply it on top of the crease.
Use a blending brush or your finger to blend it in. That’s it! Choose a color that highlights your eye color.

Add eyeliner
Some women love applying eyeliner and there are some who don’t. Which team do you belong to? For those who want to apply eyeliner, use a pencil and dab it. Don’t use your pencil like a drawing pencil.
At the end near the outer corner of the eye, make it a little bit thicker and blend it with your finger. This will open up your eyes as well.

Add darker shadow in the “crease” of the eye
Now let’s go back to the eye shadow. Pick a darker color and, using an angled brush, apply it to the crease. Remember to blend!

Add eyeshadow under the eye
Using the darker color you used on your crease and a blending brush, apply under the shadow under your eyes.
You just need to apply the shadow by the lower lashes. Instead of applying eyeliner, you use eyeshadow.

Add mascara in layers
The trick to applying mascara is to apply it in layers but not one after the other. Apply one layer then let it be for a few minutes while it dries then add another layer again.
Wait for it to dry before adding another layer. While you’re waiting for the mascara to dry, apply your other makeup so you don’t waste time or get impatient waiting.

Add highlighter on brow bone and in corner of eye
While you’re waiting for the mascara to dry, you can apply highlighter in the meantime. Use a powder brush and apply a little bit on your brow bone.
You only need a little bit to wake up the eye. Then use a line or fill brush and apply highlighter on the inner corner of your eye. Be sure to blend.

Add eyeshadow to the lid of eye
Now choose a lighter eyeshadow color. Using an eyeshadow applicator, dab a little on the eyelid. Remember to blend!

Add the final layer of mascara
Now it’s time to add that third and final layer of mascara. Notice the clumpy bunch of mascara at the end of your wand?
Use it to thicken the part of your lashes near the outer corner. Then add a layer to the rest of your lashes.

Don’t overdo the highlighter
For mature women, you only need a dab of highlighter. When you add too much highlighter to your brow bone, your wrinkles, and fine lines will appear. Nobody wants that to happen.

Don’t do “cat-eye” on mature eyes
You may have rocked the “cat-eye” when you were younger. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work for mature eyes anymore.
1) You need to have your eyes wide open to actually have that “cat-eye” effect.
2) Once your eyes are back to normal size, the “cat-eye” look makes your lids even droopier and the “cat-eye” look disappears, too.

Don’t add dark eyeliner on waterline
When you add dark eyeliner to your waterline, it closes your eyes even more. This look may have worked when you were younger and you wanted that smokey look. But when you get older, it doesn’t have the same effect anymore.

Don’t put dark shadow on lid
When you add a dark shadow on your droopy lids, it makes your lids look it’s dirty and smudgy. And it really emphasizes your wrinkles. No to dark colors on your lids!

Mascara “disappears”
And when you add mascara to this look, you’ll look at yourself in the mirror and ask ‘Where did the mascara go?’
Plus with the “cat-eye” look, it makes your lashes disappear. Forget about lash definition with any type of mascara with this kind of look.

Don’t add black eyeliner under eye
Even if you blend the liner under your eye, it won’t make a difference. It loses luster, makes you look meaner, and your eyes droopier. Do you want to look like that?

The final comparison!
The right techniques really work for more mature women. The same rules for younger women are no longer working for women over 50. Follow the do’s to open up and brighten your eyes. Plus with the right colors, you’ll complement and highlight your eye color, too.
Using the techniques that no longer work on mature women will make your eyes droopier, your wrinkles more emphasized, and make you look older in the process. Be sure to remember these eye makeup techniques for mature women so you’re always looking your best.

Watch as former 80s model demonstrates each “do” and “don’t” in the video!
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