Is it even possible to survive in a falling elevator? Modern elevator technology make these incidents super rare but if you find yourself in an old, malfunctioning elevator, then this list is for you.

A falling elevator has people thinking that they can hold on to the sides or even jump at the moment of impact but you’re not a cartoon nor an action star so those options are moot.

Take a quick read and see what actually happens to the body in such a scenario.

The G-Force On Impact Would Crush You

It is a highly unlikely event but being trapped in a free-falling elevator, without the numerous safety features found on modern elevators, means there’s zero chance you’ll survive.

Why? Physics.

An unobstructed fall from nine stories up, according Mythbusters, would have you hitting the ground at around 53 miles per hour.

That’s going to hurt as seen when they tested it themselves, decapitating and ripping the arms off of Buster, their crash test dummy on the show.