As amazing as our bodies are, there are new tricks we can learn, especially when science is involved. We’re talking tricks you can do at home too.
It’s so wonderful to know that we really have control over our own bodies.
You can make yourself feel better, and even take pride in your body, after learning these strange tricks.
Blowing on your thumb for anxiety

This trick is said to help calm you down by stimulating the vagus nerve, which runs from your brain to your abdomen. To do it, simply blow on your thumb for a few seconds.
The Ear Trick
This trick is said to help you fall asleep by stimulating the pressure points in your ear. To do it, simply press your finger behind each earlobe and move the fingers just below the bony protrusion. Hold for a few seconds, then release.

The Tongue Trick
This trick is said to help you wake up and concentrate more by reducing the movement of the tongue and cut down on the stream of data to your brain to form word shapes as you think. To do it, simply stick your tongue out as far as you can, then hold it there for a few seconds.

The Nose Trick
This trick is said to help you relieve a stuffy nose by stimulating the blood vessels in your nose. To do it, simply pinch your nose closed and breathe in through your mouth. Hold your breath for a few seconds, then release.

The Eye Trick
This trick is said to help you improve your vision by stimulating the muscles in your eyes. To do it, simply look up, then slowly move your eyes to the left. Hold for a few seconds, then release and repeat to the right.

The Finger Trick
This trick is said to help you improve your memory by stimulating the hippocampus, which is the part of your brain that is responsible for memory. To do it, simply hold up your index finger and focus on it. Then, slowly move your finger in a circular motion. Continue for a few minutes.

The tongue twister trick
This trick is said to help you improve your pronunciation by stimulating the muscles in your tongue. To do it, simply say a tongue twister over and over again. Some good tongue twisters include “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,” “How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?” and “Red leather, yellow leather.”

The Humming Trick
This trick is said to help you improve your breath control by stimulating the diaphragm, which is the muscle that helps you breathe. To do it, simply hum for a few minutes.

The Belly Laugh Trick
This trick is said to help you improve your mood by stimulating the release of endorphins, which are hormones that make you feel good. To do it, simply watch a funny video or listen to a funny joke and laugh as hard as you can.

The Smile Trick
This trick is said to help you improve your confidence by stimulating the muscles in your face. To do it, simply smile for a few minutes.

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