It’s hard to imagine, but sometimes people lie on the internet. If you’re in denial about this shocking fact, then just look at the 61 bare-faced liars we’ve collected.
We call our present era The Information Age. But really, it should be called The Misinformation Age.
Yes, it’s great to have the ability to communicate, to learn and to be entertained by the internet. Yet what’s not so great is that, on a daily basis, people abuse our trust and spread lies.
The people that follow are all guilty of lying online. And luckily for us, they were caught red handed.

Now this is some good detective work
Sometimes, you just need to look a little closer. Hopefully, this guy wasn’t late for work or something. If his boss saw this, it would be bad!

Reddit - Plipplopfrog
Three people pointed this out within an hour of it being posted
Maybe the sun was reflecting off a mirror or a window? Or maybe this guy just likes to lie for no real reason. You be the judge.

Redit - Emily_Americana
He meant apart from all the privilege he has
Sure, he grew up in a nice neighborhood and had things given to him on a silver platter, but can’t he just get a break? Why do things only work out for him a couple of times a year? Why did his parents only buy him two cars?

Ebaum's World - Solidsnake4545
Sounds like it’s going good!
Such a shame that no one was recording this speeding bullet of a human. Hopefully, his training will allow him to shave off a little more time. After all, he’s only two minutes faster than the next fastest human of all time right now.

Reddit - Ian_2101
We all know that the word Sex must be capitalized at all times
I think I read in a book that a virgin got pregnant once. Maybe it’s that again. I think the book was called “The Babble” or something like that.

FAIL Blog - Mackalacking
Maybe he just watched the movie?
Does the book star Leonardo DiCaprio? No. Does the movie? Yes.

Reddit - Mr_Chimpzz
Go fig-ure
When you’re on the internet, anything can be anything else. Also, is this called a fig fib? A vaginot?

Reddit - ItalianGreyHounds
Perhaps it’s all one big coincidence?
We all look as good as Robert Downy Jr. And we all have the wit of Jimmy Kimmel. The world is just that filled with talent.

Imgur - Endmostchimera
Newsflash: I barely spend 14 hours a day on Facebook nowadays
Did you guys know there’s a whole world outside of Facebook!? It has trees and everything! You can even talk about this world on Facebook!

Failbook - FAIL Blog
Anyone who either was a kid in the 90s or had a kid in the 90s knows what this is
Did you know that the Teletubbies secretly run the world? It’s true. In fact, Donald Trump is just Tinky Winky in a wig and orange makeup.

I wonder if Ben likes to gaslight?
And then two more girls sent similar screenshots from Ben. (We had to cut them, because then the image was super tiny.) Anyone else thinking that Ben is projecting?

Reddit - Ruby_uprising
If only there were some real images of brutality from The Vietnam War
Because we all know that nothing bad happened in the real Vietnam War. Or any war that America participated in. Still, it’s a shame that the original poster of that didn’t look up that image.

Reddit - R3ll1sh
If you look closely, you can tell that the images are of different people
Maybe the lighting was off in that profile picture? It’s normal to use an incredibly unflattering photo for your profile picture, right? Right?

Reddit - ALegaBrogn
When you contradict your username
She wasn’t just Bieber’s gurl when she made up her username. She was Bieber’s gurl 4ever! To be fair, maybe she only liked the way he looked?

Ebaum's World - Solidsnake4545
Toddlers barely understand that there’s a world
They sure as hell don’t understand what a passport is. And even if this were some genius two-year-old, would they really say that they didn’t want to experience warm feet? Two-year-olds scream when they’re inconvenienced in any way!

Reddit - Satirical-Intent
I want to know how the mom discovered this
So is Rory grounded now? What did Rory say when his mom brought this up in person? This is gonna be an awkward dinner table.

Reddit - Peanutbutterpandapuf
Well said!
It looks like the owner won this war. It sounds like the company was 100% in the right. It’s good that they put their employees’ well being first.

Sure, he totally hid himself in a bag
The YouTuber later admitted that this was all a prank. Still, the video has gained 3.5 million views. It just goes to show that you shouldn’t believe everything online.

YouTube - Adam Saleh Vlogs
There’s a reason this newspaper is nicknamed The Daily Fail
The Daily Mail is hated in its home country and abroad. And it’s a crazy thought, but actors may not always want people to speculate on their weight. Perhaps we could start appreciating them for their talent instead?

Reddit - Ramblinghambling
Technically, a truck is not a car
If the post had said, “My parents didn’t buy my automobile,” then it would have been a lie. Some people just love to skirt the truth like that. Perhaps the kid should pay the parents back for the truck?

Reddit - Horseyhaley91
Was she trying to claim it was her or just being openly tasteless?
That’s not her. She found this photo. When people called her out on it, she told them to, “calm your tits.”

Twitter - _askaboutag
Why would a British person be at a baseball game?
This is like saying you saw Kanye West at a cricket match. I’m sure Kanye is really pleased that England won the Cricket World Cup in 2019. He definitely watched the whole thing.

Twitter - Harry_Styles
The animals only half suffered in this case
Maybe he’s vegan except for beef and chicken? Or perhaps he thought Chipotle was selling fake meat, like Burger King? Maybe that was his last meat dish of all time?

Imgur - OperatorCypher
There’s no shame in studying!
Imagine wanting to come off as a slacker, even though you’re studious. How embarrassing it is to study. At this rate, you might end up with something as shameful as a well paying job.

Just don’t look at what I’m posting
This just shows that people who boast about their IQs are almost always two things. 1, liars. 2, dumb.

Ebaum's World - LeonTrout
Why not just say, “I have a family emergency?”
And while you’re at it, don’t post on social media when you’re doing the thing you shouldn’t be doing. It’s not rocket science. It’s called maintaining your friends and career!

Ebaum's World - LeonTrout
Pro-life and pro-lie go hand in hand
No, this is a movie prop from a little known movie called Harry Potter. But who cares about the truth when you’re trying to control someone’s body? Not the pro-lifers.

Why even lie about this?
It’s so much more embarrassing to sunbathe in a field than on a beach, apparently. His followers must have had a field day when they caught him. Get it? A field day?

Reddit - Norci
He cooked up quite a lie there
Again, why lie about this? They want people to believe that they were stupid enough to drop their phone into the cake? You could just not have lied about being dumb.

Reddit - DaAtomicWaffle
Pretty bad lie
When you’re so desperate for a compliment, you’ll copy an old picture and paste it to your Facebook page. Also, what guy draws hearts like that during the morning coffee rush? (The answer is none.)

Maybe they did leave that tip on the other receipt
Maybe. But let’s face it, in this world, is that likely? They probably just did this to show off.

Reddit - Freckletits
Just let her enjoy her fake fiance
Most of us had imaginary friends growing up. She has an imaginary boyfriend who proposed. Who are we to judge?

Imgur - RWestonUT
Sorry mayor, but you’ve lost the votes of the people who can’t even vote for you
Did he live in the city during the last election? It’s funny that the guy whines so much about pollution when he personally emits so much hot air. Take that, dad who can’t vote!

What even is the Jailbait Gallery?
I probably don’t want to know. Whatever it was, it doesn’t appear to exist anymore. It’s probably for the best.

Reddit - John_Barleycorn
Maybe this was an innocent mistake
You know that things are getting bad when inanimate objects are joining hate groups. Perhaps this is the beginning of the robot uprising? The way things are going, it would hardly be surprising.

Twitter - Neontaster
People actually thought that this was real?
It’s lucky that the original image was posted. Otherwise, everyone would still believe in this image. Once again: don’t believe everything you see online!

Technically, every blanket is a one of a kind
Sure, it is made with the exact same material and has the exact same design as thousands of others. But each one is its own. Just like how every human is unique.

Ebaum's World - Main Feature
They’re never sick (except for when they are)
How do people think that vaccines have made people more ill? Have you even heard of the past? Kids used to die way more before vaccines, durr.

No one likes him
It’s not enough to assume. Believe it or not, but people have their own minds. They don’t all think what you think.

Is he lying or is she lying?
Adding a filter to an image is just painting for lazy people. That way, we’re all Leonardo Da Vincis. Why not?

FAIL Blog- FAIL Blog
This had Rich Froning richly frowning
Surely, the best ways to get in shape depend on the individuals trying to get in shape? We should ask Rich’s opinion on this. We’d hate to misquote him, unlike Outside Magazine.

Reddit - ItalianGreyhounds
Ok, technically, he’s not lying on social media. His friend is
How did anyone believe this even for a second? Where would the meatness go? What replaces it?

Posting to Instagram is not like butt dialling
You have to do quite a lot of stuff to post a picture, let alone write a caption about how your post is an accident. Also, people post pictures of themselves all the time. There’s no shame in doing it.

Twitter - RachelMartinn
So out that they had time to post
Sleep tight. Don’t let the basic facts of using technology bite. Then again, 105 likes isn’t bad.

I’d like to believe that this is a real question despite the obvious
The old “incident at corporate” excuse. Walmart doesn’t care about its employees enough to give them a living wage. Do you really think they care about their family history?

Ebaum's World - Solidsnake4545
Yes, chivalry is dead, as this interaction proves
Even if the girl isn’t supposed to be her, you can tell from her response that this didn’t happen. And I doubt the worst thing he did was just take her to a bad restaurant. He seems much worse.

Technically, he doesn’t say who let go
This is where the passive voice can really help make you seem like an unfortunate person. Let go? Let go by whom?

Ebaum's World - MainFeature
Not just a groom ninja. Also a reply ninja
That’s one social media manager who is going above and beyond! The reputation of the company lives on for another day. Give them a raise!

Ebaum's World - Solidsnake4545
When you look similar but not similar enough
Unless the Facebook user has a secret double life as an actress? It’s like Batman but with no crime fighting. Of course, Bruce Wayne never posted pictures of himself to the Batman Facebook page.

But when he does it it’s different
Because studying a degree is far less important than competing in a show. His show could have got him places. Unlike education.

Reddit - Cloacal_prolapse
Because copying and pasting is an art in its own right
It took them a whole day apparently. That must have been one long copy and paste session. Don’t wear yourself out!

Never been worn, unless you look at the profile picture, where he’s wearing them.
Some words have a sort of fluid meaning. Never is not one of them. Or to put it another way, there is never any other meaning to the world never than never.

Reddit - Axwe8
Almost got away with it
How long would she have pretended to have those puppies for? Surely she would run out of rottweiler puppy photos to post? What about when her friends visited and there were no puppies?

Again, another IQ bragger
“By the way I’m totally self educated.” That says it all. They probably invented their IQ test.

Reddit - Hob_Rod
Now post the footage!
We believe the owner. But come on, show us how awful that kid was! The world needs to know.

Reddit - Navobt518
Plus free lunches!
Maybe the “they” is the food? Fast food is highly processed after all. Sorry to break that to any Jimmy John’s fans.

Twitter - Thelem0nadestan
Children just love placing God above Santa
Santa actually brings gifts. What has God ever done for anyone? Case closed.

Twitter - BallsofGlory
The trick is not tagging the celebrity in the tweet
This is kind of like the Harry Styles one earlier, but even stupider. By the way, if you’re not a Twitter user, then DM means direct message. People rarely use direct messages to send “fart.”

Twitter - Sethrogen
That last comment is going to haunt him
We all like to play the tough guy until something stupid scares us. We just hope no one will see us at that point. But they will.

Reddit - Dailyfapz
If you’re going to one up, be honest!
We all know someone that tries to outperform everyone else. This time, they got caught lying. How sweet.

Reddit - JackDragon
He’s a doctor of lying
They should call him Doctor Dishonesty. This post comes from 2018. Now there technically are graduates from that school.

Reddit - Summertime214
So now you know that contrary to popular belief, people do lie online!
Never trust anyone or anything again. Not even yourself.
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