Doing your makeup and hair is usually fun, but sometimes, it’s just too much effort. No matter how much you love doing your makeup, the idea of sitting in front of your mirror for an hour may feel like too much. Luckily, there are plenty of great beauty hacks out there. You can use these hacks to get a flawless look in no time at all!

Whether you’re looking for a way to quickly do your makeup or easily style your hair, there’s a hack here for you. These hacks will make putting your makeup on in the morning a breeze!

Use Apple Cider Vinegar As A Toner

TikTok – @bragglivefoods

If you have oily skin, you may think that it’s best not to use moisturizer. But not using moisturizer will actually make your skin oilier. To keep your skin hydrated and beautiful, apply a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water before you put on your moisturizer. The vinegar will balance your skin’s pH levels, preventing it from producing more oil.

If you’re in a lazy mood, the following hacks are perfect for you. They will save you tons of time and make you look great! Keep reading to learn about some of the best beauty hacks out there.