Rednecks often get a bad rep as being uneducated and for their ways of living, however, that reputation often has no grounds in reality. Although some may not have a formal education, they prove time and time again that they have a knack for reusing normal household items or tools and building something great or better than before. To each their own for how they choose to live, and luckily for us we have the internet to share our creativity with the world.
Click through these 55 images and see how some people using redneck techniques have taken regular household items that may be collecting dust and turned them into something uniquely functional.
A swimming pool can be an expensive investment let alone investing in one that can heat up. However, with some tools and a little bit of imagination, anything is possible. Such as this innovative solution to building their very own heated pool!
When looking for a new apartment the excitement of searching and touring through endless apartments until finding the one can be a bit overwhelming. Sometimes we often forget to notice the little details when looking at the bigger picture. For these new homeowners, they completely failed to notice that the shower rod was a hockey stick until they started moving in…as long as it works we don’t see the problem with this improv fix!
“Failed to realize there was no shower rod when I was moving in, but the show must go on.”
It can be the worst when we discover that we have a hole in our shoes or socks, especially if they are our favorite pair. But one man refused to give up on his shoe and came up with a quick shoe fix. One user,
Mrbug1881, in the comments came up with a great phrase to describe this situation calling it: “
4. Preparing For A Typhoon
When preparing for a typhoon in the Philippines a lot of homes need to prepare with whatever resources they have access to. This is necessary when the average number of typhoons to hit the Phillippines every year is around 20 according to This home took a couple of benches, some bricks and now they are ready for any typhoon when it hits. One user,
CheapMess, comments,
“Clever way to keep your benches from washing away!”
5. Innovative Construction
Sometimes in construction you have to make do with what you have. Especially with cement and how quickly it can dry. For these innovative construction workers, they decided to repurpose a coke can…definitely an interesting solution and we can’t help but to wonder how long this will hold up for.
We’ve all heard the saying work smarter not harder and when it comes to mowing the lawn sometimes it can be a tedious task. One man determined to get the job more efficiently took his lawnmower and attached six push mowers on the back. We would say this is some next level lawnmowing.
7. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: iPhone 5 Box Edition
When one user and his wife were tearing down a wall they discovered a rather innovative substitution that was made before they moved in. This substitution was an iPhone 5 box that was reused to be made as a fan control holder! The drywall covered the box completely so nobody would ever know.
8. Socially Distanced Camping
There are a lot of adjustments we’ve had to make due to COVID-19. It has changed our daily lives from the smallest details to other activities such as camping. One family decided they had just the fix to make sure they were safely socially distanced even while camping.
When one family’s trusty trash can broke they decided they simply could not part with it and performed their own special “
surgery” to fix it. According to one user,
rpmerf, these are called drift or drifter stitches and are usually completed in an X pattern for more strength. Looking at this trash can reminded one user,
longway2fall, of the time their jeans ripped and they decided to use zip ties to fix it,
“I got a big rip in my jeans once and did the same thing with little zip ties. Looked like a hobo but I’ll be damned if those jeans didn’t survive another year or more.”
10. Hole In The Window Fix
For this quick yet interesting fix one user took note of how their school in Poland decided to fix a hole in the window. Their quick and interesting fix was to reuse some old wood that was possibly a desk to block off the hole. Leaving behind a window with a
breathtaking view.
Sometimes it can take us a while to get to things as they break around the house. Even things as small as doorbells. For this house, they decided to have every visitor take a chance when they arrived they could either knock or connect wires to ring the doorbell.
When they were constructing the foundation of this home they decided to reuse some old tires. In fact, people all over the world use tires as a foundation, stacking them on top of one another and filling them with dirt which helps protect the structure and act as a dampener against earthquakes. Which these tires not only make for an impressive fix but for some good puns too.
“its all you can afford with the inflation these days” – JunkCrap247
“I’m going to have to put the brakes on this right here and now.” – watersporks
13. “When The Crap Gets Clumping, You Get Jumping”
According to some in the comments the smaller plunger is made for the sink. However, the interesting part is that it has been attached to a plunger for reasons we can all only imagine.
“First issue is somone is using a sink plunger on a toilet.
Then somone else attached a sink plunger to a pogo stick.
If you’re gonna go big, do it right.” – Tancrad
14. Ultimate Engineering In Russia
This next one is a very interesting engineering solution in Russia that someone installed a bathroom in the kitchen. We and the many who have commented on this post have mixed feelings about this solution due to a variety of reasons but to each their own! One user,
TheRedFern88, makes an interesting comment wondering where other things like a shower would be in this house,
“Where is the shower hidden?”
If at first glance you aren’t sure what’s going on here we may have an explanation. It appears as though this light switch may control a light or outlet in another area that is separated by this wall. So in order to correct it, they took PVC pipes, some string, and voila a temporary solution for the time being!
16. This Fix Just Makes Cents
When increasing the value of your home you can try such as this person did by using coins! When this homeowner ran out of washers they decided to use some pennies instead. In the long term, we wonder what is actually the cheaper option just purchasing the washers or reusing these pennies…
17. Anti-Tailgater Device
This person was so frustrated about being tailgated while driving they decided to install an anti-tailgater device. An ingenious fix of welding a wrench to the back end of their car. They write,
“Installed my anti-tailgater device today… Now I just need to find something for folks who cut me off…” – Animalmr66
18. Gun As A Tool In The…Bathroom?
One user took to Twitter to state that to him a gun is a tool of death and asked another user to provide him with just one thing you can do with it that doesn’t have to do with killing and he’ll accept his point. The response? A picture that repurposed the gun in the bathroom as a toilet paper holder.
19. That’s A Lot Of Wood!
Seems as though this person really did not want to make more than two trips transporting this wood. So they filled every crevice and corner of their small vehicle. Even stacking it on top! We hope they got to the final destination safely.
Sometimes we purchase things that just end up gathering dust in a corner because of the lack of use. Sometimes we take those items and instead transform them into something of greater use to us. Such as this transformation from a treadmill to a full-on sander with a 100 grit sanding belt on it now being sold for only $50!
This person really used flex seal to its maximum potential transforming the back of their truck. Even using the tailgate as the door. Pretty clever.
22. Plywood Printer Paper
Looks like this person either didn’t have time to run and get plywood or just didn’t feel like it. So their solution? Print out a plywood design onto paper and the job is done.
23. Gotta Love Uhaul Prices
When this person got a quote that it would cost around $3k to move their mobile home they came up with a better cheaper idea. That idea was renting a Uhaul for only $19.95! The only thing they have to worry about now is if something goes wrong and the cost of gas.
Sometimes a quick fix ends up lasting us longer than we planned as other things distract us. Such as this person’s fix for some lights in their house writing, “
That’ll do for now, he said. That was 4 years ago.” Many in the comments mentioned how so often temporary solutions so easily become permanent,
“There is nothing more permanent than a temporary solution.” – VoilaVoilaWashington
“A temporary solution is only temporary if it breaks” – mysteryman151
“There is nothing more permanent than a temporary solution that works.” – Peppyperoni
One grandpa was over the raccoons that were going through his trash so he decided to make it a bit harder for them. If you were wondering how this grandma and grandpa hold open both lids and throw in the trash the user described how it works in the comments,
“Grandma did say it was a bit heavy – so the stick to the right is a prop to hold the lid open. It props up on the electric box. Otherwise, you can lift both by only lifting the lid of the trash bin.”
For many of us our cars mean the world to us since we use them every day and put a lot of money into them. So this car owner decided they weren’t going to let any thief get away with their car. So they came up with a clever way to lock the stick shift.
27. An Uber Ride During A Pandemic
Daily life has been changed as we’ve all come to learn throughout this pandemic. Specifically, putting up barriers in offices, restaurants, malls, cars…you name it. For one uber driver trying to continue working during the pandemic, they transformed their car to make sure their riders still got AC in the back.
28. Honk If Anything Falls Off
If you’ve ever driven on the road then you’ve encountered a car or truck that looked as though something was about to fall off. For this driver, they know their trunk is full of things that might fall off. So their solution was to put a sign on the back requesting that people honk their horn if anything falls off.
Here we have a very unique solution replacing headlights with fancy candles! Looks great but its function may not last long. Turns out this car is actually from the Lemons Rally 2020 Retreat from Moscow and has it’s very own Instagram page to keep up with its adventures:
30. Have You Ever Seen 2 Prius’s Welded Together
After wrecking two Prius’s one man had the idea that he would weld the “
non-wrecked parts” together. With these welded together, he created a 6 door car. One user even commented saying their company has made a few of these referring to them as primos,
“My company has made a few of these. We call them Primos. Prius limo.
Edit: We’re actually currently replacing the middle windows on this one.
Edit Edit: It accelerates slower than a normal Prius but not by much as it doesn’t actually have all that much weight added. It also has less MPG in the high 30’s. Neither are terrible.” – Racxius
One dad figured out a way to teach his son how to hit a baseball without having to stand up or chase the ball. All you need is a fishing rod, a bat, a lawn chair and a baseball hooked to the rod. Then you have the beginning of teaching your son or daughter baseball by using a fishing rod.
When two boys weren’t getting enough air from the fan at night they came up with a clever and funny solution. They took a pair of their pants putting the top around the fan and attaching the ends so the wind blew to both the top and bottom of the bunk bed. One person,
GeeTheCurious, in the comments even added to this idea stating, “
Windbreaker pants would be best“.
33. Rubber Bands + Hammer = Mallet
When one office need to disassemble a shelf they realized they didn’t have a mallet. But what they did have was a bunch of rubber bands and a hammer. And so the rubber hammer and improv mallet was born.
When this man’s lawnmower steeling wheel broke he needed a quick fix to finish the yard. Thankfully he said he knows how to drive a stick. One user commented on his solution,
“Woodn’t have thought of that.” – Not-The-Villian
Imagine driving down the road and all of a sudden this drives by you! One person decided to take inspiration from mad max and make it into reality by creating a full motorcycle frame out of wood. As to be expected those in the comments had a lot to say,
“I want to drive it just to see how it rides” – QuickNature
“I wood too.” – Mzsickness
36. Too Much Air In The Chip Bag
We all know the frustration and disappointment after we open a chip bag only to discover it is halfway full of air and even fewer chips. So two students in Korea decided to really prove just how much air is in those bags. They constructed a full raft out of potato chip bags just to prove they have too much air in them.
Welding continues to prove time and time again throughout this slideshow an incredibly useful technique when comes to life and its many obstacles. Take this gift a husband made for his wife after he noticed her using whatever tool was handy as a hammer…which was usually a crescent wrench. So with a bit of welding, the
hammer wrench was born.
38. Bake In the Winter, Grill In The Summer
When one landlord decided to turn down the heat in one resident’s apartment and the temperature reached -40° they had to get creative and use what they had available. So they grabbed a fan and their stove. Which the user,
JohannReddit, also shared,
“But the idiot must have forgotten he pays my electric and doesn’t realize that I value my comfort over safety or energy conservation.”
Now this is just one of the more interesting videos we come across on the internet and as we all know there’s a lot. This man had a very interesting take on a natural pest control idea. Which was to put a chicken on top of a squeegee to eat the spiders in the ceiling.
When one woman was walking around in San Diego something passed her that caught her eye. The thing that caught her eye was this guy’s homemade electric lawn chair. Not only that but she writes about his whole essence as he zoomed by her that made her question all of her life decisions,
“Dude just cruised past me riding a lawn chair taped to an electric skateboard while vaping and blasting Jack Johnson. Now I’m questioning all my life choices.”
41. Moving A Barn The Amish Way
For the Amish they’ve had to come up with ways of adapting to accomplish things that still align with their beliefs and culture time and time again. A task such as this where they needed to move a large barn must’ve presented with some problems at first. But once they all came together, literally, they realized they could just pick it up and move it.
When one sister was visiting her brother’s house she found something quite peculiar in his kitchen. When she asked why he had done this to his fork he simply grabbed his iPad and showed her his creation at work.
“The iFork stand for iPad. That’ll be $800 please.” – JulezM
As we’ve seen repeatedly throughout this slideshow wrenches seem to come in handy more often than not. Not only for their original purpose but in so much more as we can see demonstrated here where it is used now as a lock. Maybe wrenches are not only master locks but master of all tools.
Here we have another welding project that shows us just how clever we can be. Not only clever but creative as this welder built a side mirror holder that now looks like a hand. Many in the comments agreed all it needs is a little bit of color and clean up and it’s actually rather cool.
For those of us without cameras in the back of our cars we’ve had to figure out reversing the old school ways by trusting our instincts, help from friends or just figuring out we’re too close after we’ve tapped the other car. But this person came up with a low budget idea that would make a lot of noise and actually protect both cars when gently reversing. All you need is a rubber duck taped onto the back of your bumper and now how a rear parking sensor.
If you ride bikes you can understand how uncomfortable it can be at times. Especially the seat and if you like to ride the bike at the beach you oftentimes want to ride barefoot however, the petals can hurt after awhile. One 12-year-old came up with a unique modification of simply adding carpet over the petals that would allow him to ride barefoot anywhere his heart desired.
When this person’s gate was causing them issues they decided to use their imagination and spare parts to create a unique but efficient gate. All they used was the buckle and the metal latch. Now they had a gate that was not only fixed but fun to use.
48. Leveling Without A Leveler
When they noticed they forgot a leveler and needed to check to make sure it was level they had to think of something that would show them they were balanced. Luckily enough they didn’t forget their water which they repurposed as a leveler. We would say from the water it looks pretty level to us.
Just as that camper and the Uber driver had to adapt to the safety precautions enforced during the pandemic teachers have had to come up with new techniques as they teach remotely. So one teacher, Carmen
Castrejón, figured out a way to show her students what she was writing instead of them just looking at her. She took a pencil pushed it through the center of a CD weighed down by a quarter angled close enough to the camera in order for it to be mirrored properly.
When one owner was having fears their furry friend would escape and didn’t want to replace their gate they had to get creative. Their solution was to place a long kitchen spoon through the harness of the pup restricting them from going all the way through the gate. We call this simple brilliance but we aren’t sure if the dog was determined enough if the spoon would hold.
As we’ve seen the pandemic has really brought out everyone’s creative side as we’ve had to become more careful with staying safe and sanitized. Just like this rig that was constructed to deliver hand sanitizer without everyone touching it. All you have to do is use your foot to gently push down at the bottom and the top bar will gently push down on top of the sanitizer squeezing it out onto your hand. Pretty impressive.
Anything is possible with a little bit of creativity and hard work we’ve been shown. This person shows that you can even transform minivans into something never before seen. As they jacked up and added suspension this minivan now looks like something we may have built out of legos when we were younger come to life.
53. Semi Automatic Spray Bottle
After breaking their spray bottle trigger they needed to find something that fits perfectly into the hole. Turns out a .223 bullet just so happened to be that thing that fit. Now whatever he is cleaning doesn’t stand a chance.
54. Hot Water Tap In Vietnam
At first glance this
engineering technique looks pretty intriguing. This technique is either a way to get hot tap water, to stop the tap from freezing, or to thaw the tap but whatever it is it’s a pretty clever fix.
55. Fixed But Not Repaired
For one home their dryer relay went bad and only runs when pushing start but if not held down it won’t stay running. Instead of buying a whole new dryer, they decided to get clever with the tools they had. Now the dryer is temporarily fixed but not repaired.
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