Tattoos symbolize a lot of things. For some people, tattoos represent artistic freedom. For others, they are reminders of traditions, personal narratives, and self-expression.
And then, there are people who get tattoos out of impulsiveness. These are the people who get tattoos because they were socially pressured or because they’re drunk. Most of the time, these people end up regretting their decision big time.
If you are about to get a tattoo, make sure to check out these designs first. Stay away from these hilarious tattoo fails as much as possible if you don’t want to end up sorry!
It’s amazing how this unfortunately misinformed design was able to make it through its owner and their artist without getting corrected. For this, we blame the faulty education system. That or its “news” spelled in some sort of code.
2. This was supposed to be stars
The intention behind this one was good. A constellation of stars tattooed on my chest? Yes, please. Unfortunately, hers ended up looking a bad set of rashes and ticks. Not a cute look.
While this one doesn’t look as bad as the previous ones, it really failed on recreating the beautiful Marilyn Monroe on human skin. So maybe just say it’s your girlfriend whenever people ask…or a horror movie heroine.
Nope. Just a regular tattoo of a galaxy on a girl’s chest. We can’t blame you for thinking otherwise though. That tattoo sure looks eerily similar to an infected brain. Seriously, it looks infected.
We too respect this guy’s dedication and love for turkey sandwich as evident by his Chinese tattoo. Too bad he probably didn’t know that’s what his tattoo said when he got it. At least he can order a sandwich in Chinese now.
6. He ain’t ain’t gonna live forever
In case it’s not clear to some of us, this person doesn’t care about what other people think about them. After all, it’s is their life. Someone really needs to start grammar checking their tattoo choices.
We’re betting this guy isn’t too fond of taking his shirt off in public anymore after getting this majestic– uhm– let’s call it a tiger on his back. Imagine going through hours of pain just to turn around and see this in the mirror. Hopefully, he can get it covered with better work at some point.
8. The likeness is uncanny
We’re as big an Angelina Jolie fan as any hot-blooded man but we definitely don’t endorse this tattoo of her. In fairness though, they at least got her scowl right somewhat…okay not really. But if she ever does a horror movie…
It seems that this person’s tattoo artist believed too much in his spelling skills and did not proofread the design before inking this hilarious misspell permanently on the skin. We hope the person didn’t lose ‘hoop’ and was able to get it fixed up. Never lose hoop!
10. Imitation is the greatest form of flattery?
It’s not bad to take inspiration from other people’s tattoo especially if it’s as cool and well-done as the one on the left. It’s a shame the tattoo artist went too far and copied the guy’s nipple as well. Oops?
If this isn’t the most American picture on the internet we don’t know what is. That eagle, that single earring, that slightly curly mullet…What’s not to love? Other than that it now looks like he has a beak sticking out of his forehead.
12. When it’s too hot to wear your favorite socks…
…get them tattooed on instead. You’re probably shaking your head or laughing at this guy. But he’s not the one who can’t wear his favorite socks just because it’s summer. Now, whose laughing?
13. Something to cherish forever
What’s a better way to express your joy for your newborn than having their face tattooed on you forever? Paying for a better tattoo artist that’s what. This tattoo would make any baby cry.
14. Give me something that says, “I’m fabulous but still fierce” Version 2.0
Well, it seems like the tattoo artist finally got some more practice. So, when another customer came in demanding a fabulous but fierce tattoo, they gave her an improved version. We must say, this is an improvement…but not quite there yet.
15. Give me something that says, “I’m fabulous but still fierce.”
…And that’s how this tattoo came to be. What? People now know not to mess with this girl. She may look pretty and dainty like a flower, but she’ll claw you like a tiger.
16. Don’t go to tattoo shops when wasted
Because your friends would definitely condone getting a tattoo similar to this angry Pikachu on this person’s thigh. But we’re not going lie, this is a great story to tell. We wonder if the tattoo artist had a few drinks as well.
17. Now nobody needs to ask anymore
Sure, people won’t badger you with questions asking if you’re vegan or not anymore…because they will definitely be asking why you decided to have your food choice tattooed on your face. At least it’s a conversation starter?
Benjamin Franklin is probably rolling in his grave right now knowing someone tattooed this ‘likeness’ of him on their skin. This one looks more like a burn victim than a respected Founding Father. Not sure what else to say about this one…
Don’t cheap out on tattoos folks! If you can’t afford the best one, don’t get one at all, especially if you’re trying to pay tribute to a loved one. Ask to see a portfolio of the artist’s other work before you get ink – seriously.
Dog tits. Yep. That’s it. That’s the concept. We have to admit this was pretty hilarious the first few minutes. But we remembered this was probably a permanent tattoo.
What’s better than a lion? A lion with two mouths, it seems. Imagine sitting for hours of painful inking only to see this lion stare back at you in the mirror for the rest of your life. Think about the nightmares alone!
22. Are these leopard prints? Or mini burgers?
Well whatever those are, at least the lady who got them seems to be proud of her new tattoo. If she can pull it off, who are we to judge? No seriously though, what are those?
23. The crucifixion of Jesus
What’s a better way to profess your faith in Jesus than having him tattooed on your forearm? Paying for a better rendition, that’s what. Is that a glowing red eye?
Imagine being randomly slapped by a friend when they see this hyper-realistic spider on the side of your face? Can you blame them, though? They probably think they’re saving his life.
If you look more closely at this engagement photo, you’ll see a rather unfortunate framing of the woman’s tattoo. We just hope that isn’t a premonition to the future of their relationship. Hopefully, it says, “regret nothing.”
26. What’s on the site vs what arrives
Too bad the original concept wasn’t fulfilled. We guess that’s what you get for skimping out on looking for an experienced tattoo artist to save a few bucks. The shape of Italy came out mostly okay, though.
27. It’s the thought that counts?
According to a Reddit user, the tattoo on the right is a tattoo their mom’s ex got after she passed away. Well, that tattoo artist sure needs to see an eye doctor because that woman on the left looks nothing like the man on the right. Maybe the artist got some images mixed up?
We guess we’ll never know. And to be honest, we really don’t want to know. Looking at this tattoo and knowing it lives on the skin of an actual person is enough nightmare fuel for us. At least the eyes came out okay?
29. Thom Yorke would be proud
“I’m a creep. I’m a weirdooo.” What can we say, this tattoo lives up to Radiohead’s most famous song. Still, this may be too out there for some.
Why go to the gym when you get some 3D abs instead? We have to admit, this isn’t the best of tattoos, but it definitely has waaay better dot art technique than that constellation one above. It also probably took less work at the gym.
31. Can you guess who or what this is supposed to be?
Well, neither can we. Is it Frankenstein’s monster? The lion from The Wizard of Oz? Possessed Linda Blair from The Exorcist?
32. The non-covering cover-up
This person was trying to get their first tattoo covered up and the result? Well, the bad news is that we can all still see the tattoo underneath. The worse news is that the new tattoo isn’t good either.
33. Oh no.
It’s great that you love Jesus enough to want to tattoo him down your entire arm, but your tattoo artist researching skills? Not so great. Seriously, though – did a 5-year-old draw this?
34. A couple who tats together stays together?
Not only are the tattoos themselves a bit…off…but they also had to go ahead and put it on their necks?! Now that’s a decision that I hope they’re happy with for the rest of their lives. Yeesh.
35. Cute feet?
Having your baby’s footprints as a tattoo is an adorable way to keep them a part of you forever. This tattoo job, however, is unimpressive and underwhelming to say the least. Were their eyes closed or something?
This guy wanted to make sure the
line in his haircut never went away – well, at least he got what he was going for!
37. Saving the best for last
This is what you get when you ask your 7-year-old cousin who is obsessed with cartoons to sketch you a tattoo. Forever, indeed. At least it’s nostalgic?
38. Why does this lady have Pinocchio’s arm?
Awful perspective drawing aside, why does this sailor lady have Pinocchio’s arms? Guipetto sure has some answering to do. Did he sacrifice Pinocchio to make a lady friend for himself?
39. Tinkerbell didn’t age well
Tink should have probably listened to Peter and never left Neverland. It looks like time hasn’t been too kind to her. Maybe a little (okay, a lot of) touch up would do her good?
Whatever/whoever familey is, this person definitely abides by it. This misspelling wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t paired with the squiggly font and uneven lettering. This one was clearly done freehand.
41. What the?
“Posted by a tattoo shop near me. According to the artist this is exactly what the customer wanted,” said the Reddit user that posted this photo. Do you believe that? Highly questionable, indeed.
42. Are those lips?
Of course, the font and writing with this one is very questionable. But those “lips”? Those are what’s throwing us off with this one. The lips almost look like a clam? Maybe a baguette? Not lips, though. That’s for sure.
43. Such a beautiful couple
Tattoos of portraits are extremely difficult to do. It takes an artist with extreme precision and an eye for details. It would be wise for anyone to do their research to find the best artist for the job. But if you want to save a few bucks? This is what you get.
44. Who’s that now?
You guys, he loves her. Who is she? We’ll never know. Does she know? All that matters is that he loves her and has to love that tattoo for the rest of his entire life.
45. Terrifying
If this person was going for a “scary-looking” tattoo – it actually worked. This gargoyle, dragon creature perched on a roof is all sorts of messed up. We hope this person didn’t pay too much for this masterpiece.
46. So are we
Not only is this “unimpressed” tattoo just loaded with irony, but the tattoo artist didn’t even bother to shave the skin first? Come on, now. Tattoo artistry 101.
47. Leave Marilyn alone!
Sadly, poor Marilyn seems to get butchered time and time again when it comes to tattoos. Such a beautiful women being so botched. What a shame.
48. That hand
We’re not sure what’s going on here at all. Is that someone we’re supposed to know? Why are they licking a gun? And look at that tiny little hand. So much happening here.
49. Did she say ‘yes’?
Not only did this person get a tattoo in less-than-decent font, but it also happens to be a proposal. He had to have been pretty confident that she’d say yes. We’d love to know the outcome of this one.
50. Those eyes
You gotta hand it to people who post photos bragging about their artwork that’s absolutely terrible. And did the person that get this tattoo see their previous work? This ‘tiger’ is really quite something else.
51. Unique eyebrows
This woman probably got tired of having to fix her eyebrows all the time. However, instead of getting normal-looking eyebrows tattooed, she got plant-like ones.
52. Bad decision
Sometimes, getting drunk turns bad decisions into funny ones. Take it from this guy who decided to get legs tattooed on his armpit. He now has something to brag about each time he gets drunk.
Tattoos symbolize a lot of things. For some people, tattoos represent artistic freedom. For others, they are reminders of traditions, personal narratives, and self-expression.
And then, there are people who get tattoos out of impulsiveness. These are the people who get tattoos because they were socially pressured or because they’re drunk. Most of the time, these people end up regretting their decision big time.
If you are about to get a tattoo, make sure to check out these designs first. Stay away from these hilarious tattoo fails as much as possible if you don’t want to end up sorry!