Magazines and newspapers have largely been replaced by online news websites, but they are still around. Sometimes their layout is unintentionally hilarious, but a conspiracy theorist would say that it could be done on purpose to go viral. We’ll never know.
What we can do is take a look at the funniest layour fails. Shall we?
Maybe putting a bald guy at the cover of the newspaper wasn’t a very good idea. Still eye-catching though.
This “alphagear” thing seems to attract female attention! This kind of looks intentional to us.
3. Watch “Where” You Place The Model
This layout looks really inappropriate- be careful when editing your covers, people!
We used to love these dogs, but in light of this news we might have to reconsider.
Relax, it’s just champagne- or is it?
Looks like the poor kid’s parents were following some extreme diet that “can make you thin”, maybe too much so.
Based on the layout, we can tell the lady should probably visit a doctor.
Whatever you do, make sure the holiday you choose doesn’t involve a ship. Don’t ask why.
We’re wondering, what was it that George saved the pup from? Can’t help looking above their pictures.
Yeah, looks like the kind of reaction someone reading the magazine would have. Still, kind of wrong.
Wondering what they were planning to do with the dead cats? Apparently cook them.
That’s probably what the director told the editor the morning after the newspaper was published.
When the layout really goes bad, then there are no words to discribe it.
14. Weapons That… Turn Your Hair Pink?
In this case the result is really funny- it would be interesting having chemical weapons that the only harm they can cause is make your hair pink.
15. Wait, Where Are They Hiding?
Can you imagine people panicking at the thought that 25,000 paedophiles are hiding in their houses? Such a bad layout here.
16. Can’t Be Unintentional
We bet this was done in purpose. Guess who isn’t sorry to say goodbye to these senior staff members.
Although one can be pretty sure that the poor guy’s last words were close to “aah”, this layout looks too cynical.
Bad news is bad. This newspaper layout just made it worse.
Maybe going to Rachel’s house for dinner isn’t such a good idea after all. Poor dog, he could be the last survivor.
Everything about this cover is wrong. Really, what was the editor thinking?
The placement of this advertisement was a terrible mistake. Really, what were they thinking?
Well, the reflection sounded like a good idea, but in fact it wasn’t so successful.
In case you’re wondering, you can play bowling. We know, not a very good advertisement idea.
Another magazine that should be extra careful with their covers. Let’s say this one was a bad idea after all.
Our impression is this was done on purpose. For what reason, no idea.
26. Pancakes To Fight Obesity
These two articles simply shouldn’t be put next to each other. Unless they intend to say pancakes are the cause of obesity.
Yet another unfortunate layout. Do they even look at the newspapers before publishing them?
Really, what is great about the day when sex offenders have just been released?
Who would have thought members of the Royal family of Englanh were witches? We now know thanks to this newspaper- or maybe not.
Maybe they should be more careful with their covers next time. Queen can’t have been happy about this.
Terrible as this news is, we couldn’t help giggling a little bit at the photo placed next to it.
One more newspaper fail. Maybe try to be more careful with these things?
This one’s really bad. Although one can tell it wasn’t part of the newspaper, so let’s not blame the editor for once.
We can’t decide whether this one or the witchcraft headline is worse. What do you think?
When you’re a cyclist and all you want is to cross the world for a good cause and you bump into this in a local newspaper.
Is this really a picture accompanying the article? We’re so curious to know what this is all about!
37. Unfortunate Ad Placement
Who would put a Gas Networks ad next to an article about concentration camp survivors? Just distasteful.
This newspaper seems to have made a habit out of hiding the first “e” in “where”, right? And it just so happens to be women featured.
Looks like this headline-photo combination could cause some confusion, don’t you think?
Well, announcing their appearance should make arresting them an easy task for the police.
What an unfair thing to do, close a shelter only to open a strip club. Right, it’s just layout fail.
This is so confusing- a rapist in pilot training? This is such an unfortunate newspaper cover.
Self-harming… just for a laugh? This layout is really terrible.
Oh, yes, these definitely look like murderers, maybe in a parallel universe. Again, editors should pay more attention to what they review.
Fassbender knew something would go wrong with this magazine interview. And it did.
Yes, it’s supposed to be “newsbite” in case you were wondering. Although there are other interpretations too.
Okay, so Kate has been accused of witchcraft already, now of extremism, what’s next?
Well, that is not cool. Clearly a mistake.
Could these two cartoon characters really be so violent and dangerous? Well, according to this cover they could.
For some weird reason we got really worried the first time we read this headline.
Disturbing or upsetting as some of these fails may be, we still hope they made you giggle. One thing is for sure: from now on you’ll never look at newspaper headlines the same again.
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Magazines and newspapers have largely been replaced by online news websites, but they are still around. Sometimes their layout is unintentionally hilarious, but a conspiracy theorist would say that it could be done on purpose to go viral. We’ll never know.
What we can do is take a look at the funniest layour fails. Shall we?