Remedies For Uric Acid In The Body
Make sure you are aware of these!
Erin Russell

The Facts About Having Too Much Uric Acid in Your Body and What You Can Do About It

The normal breakdown of cells as they die produces uric acid, which is then filtered through the kidneys and leaves the body through the urine. However, high levels of uric acid in the blood can cause several health conditions, such as gout, kidney stones, or even kidney failure. Here are eight things you can do to lower uric acid naturally.

Signs of too Much Uric Acid in the Body

When purines (which are found in many foods) are broken down by the body, uric acid forms. Excess uric acid will crystallize and stick around in the form of painful kidney stones, or it may settle into joints, causing gout. Kidney stones are known to cause severe pain in the stomach, back, and groin as your body attempts to pass them through the urinary tract. Gout pain affects joints in the toes, ankles, heels, knees, elbows, wrists, and fingers and is a tender-to-the-touch swelling or aching that sometimes feels hot and inflamed. The symptoms from kidney stones and gout are rarely mild. If you are suffering from too much uric acid in your system, your body will let you know.

Alcohol and Caffeine

Flickr/Wojtek Szkutnik
Flickr/Wojtek Szkutnik

Avoiding alcoholic or caffeinated beverages is one of the first steps in lowering uric acid levels in the body. Consuming an excess of alcohol or caffeine promotes the production of uric acid, and puts a strain on the kidneys.


Flickr/Andrew Yee
Flickr/Andrew Yee

The citric acid found in citrus fruits, such as lemons, limes, and oranges helps dissolve uric acid. Other fruits high in citric acid include strawberries, raspberries, and cranberries.

Eating cranberries or drinking cranberry juice supports a healthy urinary tract because of their high levels of antioxidants and citric acid. Over time, consuming cranberries may help counteract the negative effects uric acid has on the kidneys.

Folic Acid

Folic acid helps create and maintain new cells, which will lower levels of uric acid over time. Eating foods like green leafy vegetables, fruit, and dried beans can bring more folic acid into the diet.

Green Leafy Vegetables

Flickr/Corey Harmon
Flickr/Corey Harmon

As well as being a good source of folic acid, green leafy vegetables are naturally low in uric acid. Some green leafy vegetables to add to your diet include lettuce, spinach, kale, and broccoli.


Avoid eating certain meats that contain high levels of uric acid. Organ meat, sardines, herrings, and bacon are all meats that naturally contain a great deal of uric acid.


Flickr/Dubravko Sorić
Flickr/Dubravko Sorić

Try to avoid eating a lot of salty or sodium-rich foods, such as processed food or fast food. Sodium causes uric acid to rise and may even lead to the formation of kidney stones.


In addition to avoiding alcoholic or caffeinated beverages, make sure you’re staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Drinking water is the quickest and easiest way to flush out the kidneys and expel uric acid from the body.

Uric acid is caused by the normal breakdown of cells in the body, but high levels of uric acid can lead to painful conditions, such as gout or kidney stones. If you have high levels of uric acid, there are several lifestyle changes you can make in order to flush the uric acid from your body and promote a healthy urinary tract.

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Sources: [Gout & Uric Acid Education Society, Livestrong, Livestrong, Mayo Clinic, Medical News Today, MedicineNet, The Times of India]
